Chapter Thirty-Five

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When Arik arrived to the throne room he was surprised to see Phelan there. Normally the King and the Fairy Commander took their meetings in the King's quarters. Gwenia was also present. Apparently she had been reporting to her father about two missing horses from the stables. Niall had brushed off the matter and told her to have the humans mend the fences and the barns.

"Father, there is no damage to either. I believe they were stolen." Gwenia's lovely face was twisted in a snarl, "I know that they were stolen."

Niall leaned back casually in the throne, "It pleases me so to see that you have taken your position so seriously. Have the humans check the fences and barns for double measure. I am sure that the creatures will return."

Gwenia knew that there wasn't a point in a rebuttal, "Yes, father."

The animal trainer left with a displeased look on her face and shot a glance towards Arik as she passed by him. The King waved Arik to approach him. The Halfling took his steps slow and carefully as he thought about what he wished to say. Niall and Phelan whispered about something as Arik took his place before the throne. He didn't know what they were discussing and could only guess that it was about the previous matter.

Niall turned his attention to the Halfling, "Why have you graced us with your presence Commander?"

"My King, I am here to report a Troll."

Phelan's eyebrows came together, "A Troll? What business does a Troll have here?"

"A Troll entered from the northern border. He had been burned by the Dragon fire."

The Fairies exchanged a glance and then Phelan spoke, "The Dragons have spread from the east." The Fairy Commander looked down at his King who sat on the throne, "Seems they plan to attack."

"The healers are supplying more toxins for the arrows at the wall. They will be able to hold them off for a time." Niall's word had no fear in them.

Phelan nodded, "Yes...for a time, but they will still come yet. We must prepare the soldiers for this war. They have trained well and I am confident in their abilities to fight these beasts."

"My King, you had wished to strike a bargain with them. How are you to speak with them during a rage of fire and weapons?" Arik's eyes were locked on the King.

"What do you suggest?" Niall asked.

"Do not fight them at the wall. Let them pass. Let them come to the Kingdom and seek counsel with them."

"There is no reasoning with those damn things! It is dumbfounding that you would wish to call for counsel with them, Halfling." Phelan leaned against the King's throne as he and Niall looked down at Arik.

"So you wish to call for a pissing war then?" Arik was stern.

The Fairy Commander narrowed his eyes at the Halfling, "I do not want those creatures near here. I want to ward them off."

Niall's hands clasped the ends of the armrests, "What bargain would you wish to strike with the Dragons that would not be made known in a battle?"

"If a messenger is sent to them the leaders of the raid would be informed that the King wishes to seek counsel with them. The law states that all counsel requests must be made." Arik folded his arms across his chest, "Then, Fairy Prince, only the leaders would enter the area of the palace."

Phelan's jaw was tense, "You honestly believe that those lizards would submit to law? You have that much faith in them that you would put our people in danger?"

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