Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Ro lifted her shirt to make sure that her bandage was still in place after all the bending and squatting she had to do to pick the herbs she needed for her fifth trial of making the balm. Ro had been so frustrated with her failed attempts that she was willing to work through the night to ensure that she treated the guard's son. She wiped the sweat beading on her forehead and glanced across the valley at the setting sun. The day was nearly gone and she had much work left to do. She had to cure the child. She had to get an audience with the King.

Ro bent down a final time to pick up her basket. It wasn't heavy, but it didn't feel light in her tired arms. Ro had turned to walk towards the work room when she felt the warmth of a familiar air. She felt a tension and a sense of aggravation wash over her. Arik. Ro turned to face the Halfling that approached her. The basket of peppervine fell at her feet and Ro stood in amazement at the figure before her. It had been so long since she had seen him. And there he was looking at her with his brown and violets eyes as if there hadn't been time apart.

"Why are you here?" Ro managed to say as Arik took his last footsteps towards her.

Arik bent down and picked up the basket. He twisted one of the herbs between his fingers, "Mystic peppervine is a strong herb."

Ro nodded, "I know that. I am using it to make a balm for the guard's son who has the blistering touch." Ro took the basket from Arik's hands, "So if you'll excuse me I need to get back to work."

Arik grabbed Ro by her forearm and pulled her back towards him. She hissed in pain and Arik immediately let go of her, "You should not be out here alone."

Ro met his eyes, "Obviously I'm not."

Arik cocked his head, "Why is this balm so essential that it requires you to labor until nightfall?"

"Why do you care?" Ro's words were harsh and her lips were tight against her scowl.

Ro's words hit Arik hard. The Halfling could sense her anger towards him and he knew that it was from when he stood and watched as Niall beat her. He could not blame her for her feelings. He had hated himself for not being able to so much as help her from the floor. He left her bleeding and broken on the ground like a wild animal.

"What would you have had me done?" Arik's eyes were heavy with concern, "The moment I stood up against my King I would have been berated. You would have been tortured in front of me for days or even weeks depending on how long it would have taken me to break."

Ro shook her head, "He wouldn't have done that to Lady Aurora. She's too valuable."

"Your condition matters not. The only thing that matters is that you are alive."

Ro tightened her grip on the basket, "I couldn't feel your emotions. It was like you weren't even there. You just stood there...and watched...and I felt helpless, Arik. I felt-"

"I know exactly how you felt." Arik took a step towards the human leaving only a few inches between them, "I felt everything."

Ro looked across the valley at the setting sun, "I am angrier at the fact that you never came for me. I waited for you. I thought that at any moment you would come to see me." Ro looked back at the Halfling, "Then I finally realized that what you told me was true. I only have myself here." Ro shook the basket, "I have to make this balm to heal the guard's son so that I can have an audience with the King."

"You are to be brought to Niall tomorrow."

Arik's sudden words threw Ro off guard. "What?" she blinked.

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