Chapter Twenty

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Ro opened her eyes with a jolt as she heard the laughter of a child. She sat up and stared out of the mouth of the cave. Ro was stunned to see Annika eating a piece of fruit and laughing at something Arik had told her in German. Ro rubbed her eyes to assure herself that she wasn't dreaming. It truly was Annika smiling and laughing at Arik as he stroked the stallion in the light of the recent sunrise. At that moment, Annika met Ro's eyes and came running towards her losing her food in the process. The little girl collapsed into Ro's lap.

"Annika." Ro said to the child, "How are you feeling?"

The little girl looked up at Ro confused. She didn't understand her words. Arik translated as he approached them and the little girl responded in German. Ro looked up at Arik as he told her that Annika said that she felt well. Ro hugged the little girl slightly before rising to her feet. She looked down at Annika as the child walked back towards the horses that seemed to be waiting on her.

"I can't believe it." Ro said breathlessly.

Arik looked away from Ro and to Annika, "I believe it is called a 'miracle' in your tongue."

Ro nodded, "It is a miracle." She looked at Arik, "I thought that she would be weaker. She seems better."

"It is the fruit." Arik's voice was bitter, "It has given her strength for now. It will fade in time."

Ro began to walk toward the mouth of the cave when Arik caught her by the arm. She looked up at the Halfling, "What?" She asked.

"There were at least twenty Boggarts in the forest last night." Arik's eyes were fiercely serious, "It seems that Vardon has formed a small army of his best to search for you."

Ro swallowed, "What are you saying?"

"We need to move fast and quietly. I am only one. I cannot fight an army." Ro could sense the ache in Arik's confession.

"Are you saying that you are afraid?"

"I would be a fool not to be." Arik released his hold on her, "As soon as you are branded in the Tempest Court their hunt will be over."

Ro nodded. It was true that the Boggarts' hunt would be over then, but her new life in the Tempest Court would just be beginning. Ro took a deep breath and walked toward the horses. Arik followed closely behind her. He was suddenly on alert as they prepared to move out. He knew that he needed to be completely focused on their surroundings. His senses would be the only chance they had of avoiding the enemy and getting to the Court safely.

Arik helped Ro mount the mare and then mounted the stallion. He reached down for Annika's small hand and lifted her up to sit in front of him. He gave Ro a sharp look and told her to follow close before he kicked the stallion to move forward. Normally the wind of a fast ride would calm Arik, but the winds were different today. Magic was thick in the forest. Not just Arik's magic. He could sense the Gnomes and Pixies and Fawns of the forest as they healed the flora. Arik could hear the splashing of Nymphs and Water Sprites as they parted the waters of the nearby streams and rivers. All of this was unbeknownst to the humans in his care and he was glad of that. There were darker creatures in the forest around them, but as long as they did not have the stench of the Boggarts Arik would be at ease.

Ro's grip was tight around her reins. She followed closely behind Arik as he instructed. They were riding almost as fast as they had when they left the Frostfall Court. She could sense the Halfling's uneasiness. Ro looked around the forest periodically as they rode. She never saw or sensed any danger, but it didn't make her feel any less stressed. Two Fairy Courts were after her and Arik was her only hope of escape. Although they bumped heads and he could be a down right ass at times she was grateful to have him.

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