Birthday With The Guys.

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        I woke up to a crash in the kitchen, and grabbed my pocket knife. I sprinted to the kitchen and noticed it was just Embry. "What the hell are you doing?" Embrys head snapped toward me he looked at the burnt food.
        "Wanna go to Emily's?" I laughed
        "yeah let me get changed."
        "Wait!" He yelled after me. I turned and smacked into his chest I made an 'uff' noise. And he smiled slyly. And bent down placing his lips to mine. I instantly kissed back. He had a spatula in his hand and he dropped it to the floor and put a hand on my  This kiss was better than our kiss on the beach. He pulled away and I involuntarily whimpered, then blushed, the noise seemed inhumane. Embry smiled at me dropping his hand.
        "I'm gonna go change." He smiled and watched me walk to my room.
        I heard him ask my dog "Was that a good present?" My dog barked quietly as if agreeing. I just chuckled and changed into:   When I walked out I couldn't find Embry... Anywhere. I looked at the table where his Keys sat and saw a folded up piece of paper, I opened it and it read: "Go to the 'Black Pearl'" I thought... and noticed it's a Treasure Hunt. I smirked I am good at these. I went to my movies and looked for curse of the Black Pearl when I found it I opened it and saw another folded up note. It was a riddle this time. "I am naturally warm I can't come inside with out being changed. I am fury. I am found outside. But right now I am inside." I was confused and thought it over rereading it. Well a Shifter. But Embry wasn't inside. So think harder. Shifter... shifter... WOLF! I went to my shelf and saw a wadded up piece of paper in the wolf bowl. I opened it, it read, as followed, "Cold on the inside. Open me up and find food" Fridge. I thought instantly. I looked at it and saw my wolf magnet had a paper under it I lifted the magnet and read the note. "Last clue. In your bedroom. You will find me in there with your present." I walked into my room and saw Embry smirking. "Took you long enough. He got up and pulled a box out of his pocket. No, not a ring box it was too small top be a necklace but to big the be a ring. I opened the box and saw a beautiful bracelet- that had a chain that links it to a ring. It was absolutely perfect I smiled at him and He outstretched his arms suggestively and I practically jumped on him kissing him. He was obviously expecting in. I pulled away.
        "To Emily's?" 
        "To Emily's"  he agreed. Emily made chocolate chip muffins. And I even got presents!! Jared and Kim got me a shirt:il_fullxfull.379379476_mbj9  Quil got me this: xrcxr4vkbjl2pebhy2fz I laughed... Guess Embry told them I loved TMNT... I'm not complaining. Emily and Sam Bought me.... TRAINING LESSONS! -_- REMEMBER I'm a wolf now. :( Any ways... Leah bought me A  Bought me the pretty dream catcher. Seth, Being Seth made me a boondoggle. Which I immediately hooked to my key chain. Jake... Well he didn't come. Don't care why. I don't think he likes me very much. Best for last Paul... He bought me and Embry because he thought it would be funny.... It wasn't... He bought 'us' A box of 150 condoms. Why 150 I don't know. But I was aloud to smack him for it. Then we had pizza. And Emily made cookies for desert. This out does the rest of my birthdays... By far. When me and Embry came home I told him He was sleeping with me, JUST SLEEPING! And He obviously declined so I Fake cried needless to say I got to sleep in his arms that night.

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