Like a Normal Person?

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        After my break down me and Embry didn't speak for a few weeks. I knew he was watching me. But that didn't matter. No. Today was the day we were fighting. I wasn't using my arrows... sadly!!! I figured that We would be too close to use my arrows. 
~~~~At the field~~~~ 
        We were in formation the wolves hiding until they were needed. I was standing next to Emmett and sort of in front of Esme. I heard a growl from in front and we charged knocking off heads and shoving. I slipped and because I was wearing my necklace they couldn't tell I was part vampire. I must have slipped just right on my hand that it broke skin. 3 of the vampires turned stared at me eyes going black. I stood and felt it heal but the excess blood was there. they sprinted at me one kinda passed me I grabbed the girls arm and shoved her in front of me in time for my second attacker to sink his teeth into her. i ripped the girls arms off then snapped her neck off. The two boys charged at the same time one pushed me into another. as the one who held me sank his fangs into me. I screamed. And then he was ripped off me. The other one was killed to. I went to turn around but fell blacking out. 
        When I woke up I wasn't on the field, Cullens or even my home. No. I was at the hospital. In fact I was running down the hall. I could hear my pitter patters of my bare feet sprinting down the hall... Why was running? and Why was I going so slow? If I really was in a hurry Wouldn't I be running vampire speed? Then I saw it. I looked behind for a few seconds. And I was being chased by a vampire. I was a vampire. The me I know would have ripped his head off by now. "Mag! MAgena!!! M!! BAby!!" I knew that voice. I looked around for the owner. When A giant grey wolf with spots on it's back jumped out and killed the vampire. It ran ff and then there was a boy. He hugged me. Then I was ripped from his grasp. and put on a stretcher. "EMBRY!!!" I screeched. 
        My eyes flew open. and I blinked a few times just to clear my sight. Why was everything so dull? I looked down and noticed I was wearing this... dress. I wanted to scream. WHY THE FUCK WAS I WEARING A DRESS!?!? WHYYYY!? 

        cARLISLE WALKED IN AND SAID A FEW CONFUSING WORDS THAT WERE: "your becoming human." And I could only think. "Like a Normal Person!?"

The Girl With the Arrows (Embry Call Love story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon