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    Today we were training.
         When we arrived at the field Bella and Edward showed up. I learned that's what her name was. She stared at me and looked at Edward. "Who's that?" she swallowed. The wind blew. Thank god! It blew from behind me. As long as she stayed there and I stayed on this side of the field everyone would be safe. 
        "Who?" I heard Edward ask. He glanced at the direction Bella was looking, my direction. And he broke into a grin. "MAGENA!!!" I noticed Bella furrow her eye brows. I smiled. tumblr_magj3boSvD1r6mcm8 He ran over to me and crushed me into a hug. I mean literally. But I healed. THANK THE PRIMES! tumblr_ltgawyiku91qkc8i2 I heard some growls from across the field. I looked up and saw the wolves emerging. I Pulled away. and went over to my favorite! Paul. He's my favorite. HE'S BAD ASS!
        "Hey Paul!" I noticed a different wolf. "who's that?" I asked pointing to an unfamiliar wolf. You can't talk me..." I nervously laughed. Paul just kinda stared at me. "okay... well... I'm gonna go talk... to him." I walked over and started petting him. "My names Magena!" I smiled. He just stared at me for a long time then got up and walked away. Me, Being me, said "I wouldn't want to look at me either."
        "MAGENA! " Jasper Yelled. "JASPA" I said! "Your up against Emmett!" He yelled.
        "Oh shit son!" I said in my fake southern accent. Jasper playfully scowled before I got in ready position, along with Emmett. 
        Emmett sprinted at me. I simply side step causing him to skid to a stop and turn. Running again, I side stepped. "do you think he's gonna catch on?" I asked Jasper worriedly. But then I felt a fist come in contact with my face. "umph!" I turned caught Emmett's fist, bending his arm breaking the femur. I pushed him  backwards him flying into a tree. He hit his head... quite hard. Before standing and staring for a second. He unexpectedly ran at me and pinned me to the ground. I kneed him in the... area.. and he basically collapsed. I flipped him so I was pinning him. He kicked me off of him. I went flying in the air.
        I had to make a joke so I scream- sang "I BELIEVE I CAN FL-" I got cut off by falling on top of something furry when I stood I realized it was the one that walked away from me. "Well Mr.Big-Bad- Wolf got squashed." I said jokingly. He huffed. I stared at him suspiciously. "Goodbye Mysterious wolf."Sam growled and they left. To be honest I was kinda sad. I wanted to know Mystery wolf's name. 

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