tests test and Embry!

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   Carlisle wanted to do some tests to figure out if how it was possible to be changing into a human. I wished Embry would come. But ever since I cried on him I haven't seen or heard from him. I was currently changing so I could get the tests done. Truth is... I'm scared of needles. I don't know why. www.polyvore.com/tests/set?id=122...    OI was already at the Cullens but in the guest room. I suddenly thought about Roxy. "Esme!" I yelled 
        "What sweetie?" I jumped. Now I know how they feel.
        "could you possibly go to my house and Feed Roxy?" 
        "of course!" she smiled warmly. "Carlisle is ready for you." I started shaking. 
        "Will there be needles?" I asked so quietly she wouldn't of heard had she not been a vampire. 
        "I'm afraid so. Do you need..." She trailed off. I knew who she meant. 
        "I want him. But I can do this." I nodded. assuring myself.
        As soon as I walked into the room and saw the needles I fell to my knees shaking, crying, and maybe even whispering Embry's name. This went on during the tests. Until Carlisle NEEDED me to be still. All of a sudden I heard A door shut I looked up and noticed a blur. "We need to put her under a sedative!" I heard carlise say. "DONT DO THAT!" I heard Embry plea. I could tell he was close to tears. I felt something go in my arfm and then I went loopy. "EMBRY!" I screamed then blacked out. 
~~        SORRY SHORT CHAPTER BUT IT WAS QUICK AND AT LEAST ITS UPDATED.~ Heres a gif: ladiciussyawla.tumblr.com/post/76...

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