3: My Accent?

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What's your favorite class?

There is something about school that I hate now - the fact that everyone probably hates and is afraid of me; I like- gym wasn't as fun as it used to be, if fact gym stopped being fun after the stupid accident gave me this godforsaken powers ten years ago. I used enjoy running, I used to love soccer, I used to enjoy the happy look on the face of my teammates when I played a big part in helping them win a game. But now people saw me as this cheater that uses her powers to do everything. I couldn't win anything without people booing at me and calling me a cheat, I hated being called a cheat especially after I played fair and square. It's not my fault I'm better at everything and everyone else sucks.

Infact, I wasn't a a cheater but the cheated. Life cheated me of my childhood, I didn't ask to be in that lab ten years ago, I didn't ask for life to give powers I was happy without. I lost my family thanks to that accident, I lost my friends, I lost my happiness, I lost everything I ever cared about. The only good thing that came out from that accident was meeting my two best friends; Blossom and Bubbles.

I tried not to loose my love of sports -thank you to Bubbles and Blossom that always play soccer with me even though they hate sports-. I have never had any siblings but they always made me feel like I'm not missing out on anything. But the positives and negatives.

Another person who contributed to my joy was my gym teacher, Mr. Lion -he sure knew how to bark when someone pronounced his name like the animal and not lee-on-. He saw I didn't get to have fun during gym and saw in my eyes how much I wanted to so he decided to make his assistant. He needed someone to break each and every student and shape them all up into strong athletes -not possible, in the shaping into athletes part but breaking, I am very good at that-. Man, I loved bossing people around. Bonus part of this job was that he almost never showed up for classes so I have had total control of almost every class since I got the position. Sweet.

I sat on the bleachers watching some girls that decided to stop the marathon they were meant to be doing and gawk at sweaty guys. Their screams of terror after I dumped cold water from a cooler unto them brought a smile to my face. The best thing about having powers; I didn't have to lift a finger, my mind does all the lifting for me.

I smirked as I watched them scan around looking for who would dare to embarrass them like so. Up here dumb dumbs. I decided to mock them by pretending to look around for the culprit, in my joke I locked eyes with a green eyed guy who was staring at me like he had never seen a human before.

I couldn't recall his name nor the memories of me ever seeing him on the field with us before. Has he been flunking my classes or was he just new? Even if he was new, he doesn't get to do nothing but stare, he didn't have a single drop of sweat on him. Unacceptable!

I blew my whistle at him then signalled for him to give me twenty jumping jacks but he ignored me and kept staring. What the hell was wrong with this dude. I blew my whistle again but he didn't move a muscle.

Prick. I could go over there and knock some sense into him or I could play a game of dodge ball -me repeatedly hitting him with a basketball while he ran around- with him...meh, I wasn't in the mood for any retaliation. I was too weak.

My powers came with a negative. I could go six days straight using my powers as I pleased but on the seventh day my body felt drained. You know that feeling when you're doing an intense workout and that rush of adrenaline, that power you feel? that's how I feel in the first six days while today I feel exactly how you feel the next day when your body is aching because you pushed yourself too hard. The worst part was that even when I didn't use my powers at all, I still got very weak. Unfair. It just made me abuse my powers even more.

The strange dude had stopped staring at me. I felt kinda disappointed, if you're going to check me out, don't use seconds. You need hours to properly admire my beauty.

He was so lucky I wasn't in the mood for torture. I guess it's time I head to the locker room, it was almost lunch time.

I searched for him right as about to leave -i don't know why- and found him staring at me again. I scoffed at him then headed behind the bleachers.

"So you think you would embarrass me and get away with it, eh?"

I got shoved.

I recognize that voice; Brute. If she had come to attack me a few minutes ago when I dumped a tub of water on her, I would have given her what she deserved but right now, I wasn't in the mood. I was hungry, tired and I needed to find Blossom and Bubbles.

I turned to face her, "Gyms over, I have had enough of you for one day." I replied.

Brutes friends growled me and threw their wet towels on the ground. The only person I regret getting wet was Dasha, she had amazing hair, it was sad to see it all wet.

Just as I was about leaving, Brute and her friends decided it was a good idea to circle around me.

"Look," I told them, "I was just doing my job." On a good day, two seconds after confronting me, you were a pile of broken bones laying at my feet. But today wasn't a good, today was one of my very very tired days and when I was very tired I lose control of my powers and when I lose control of my powers, people died.

"Your job is just to sit there and blow your stupid whistle you freak." Brute screamed at me.

I took a deep breath trying not to let her choice of insult get to me. Freak was a word that really made me snap, it made everyone of my sister's snap. I didn't want to snap, when I snapped I did things that I wouldn't regret but would take a lot of strength. Just know, the things like; killing a normal person would regret isn't something I would regret.

"Take it back." I told her threateningly taking a step closer to her.

She also took a step forward, "or else what....freak?"

That's it.

Only five pair of shoes were left of the five girls. Don't worry, I didn't kill them. I just threw them in different directions. They won't break anything, they would just hurt...a lot.

"Oh my god, I knew that was you earlier." Came a voice

I turned around to find out who it belonged to. It was that green eyed creep.

"What the hell do you want?" I said to him, I was too tired to say it angrily.

"Uh you have powers, aren't I allowed to be fascinated?" He walked up to me.

The dude was tall, he didn't look so tall earlier and he was so hot. If I was shameless, I would have eye raped him but yes I am shameless so I eye raped him. I liked what I saw. That doesn't mean I like him though.

"So you're new." I said, agreeing with one of my previous thoughts. "I knew I would have stabbed your throat if I had to listen to that accent."

"What's wrong with my accent?" He said, his accent heavier. "Okay I heard it this time."

I eyed him then proceeded to walk away from him but he intercepted my path.

"Wait, What else can you do?" He asked with the fascination of a five year old.

I took a very deep breath.

I stepped closer to him, it was hard to look intimidating when the dude was towering over me.

I stared directly into his eyes then said, "give me ten laps."

He had a staring contest then shrugged, "Nope, not feeling anything."

He thought I was going to use my powers to control him? I mentally laughed, this dude was in for a surprise.

"No," I blew my whistle in his face, "I'm in charge and I mean now."

Gym is over when I say it's over.

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