8: You guys kissed?

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Do you get embarrassed if your parents pick you up from school? I actually feel like a superstar when they do.

First day of school over.

Dad decided to pick us up because one; our cars hadn't arrived yet, two; the guy didn't want his precious heirs getting lost in a foreign country and three; he was a goofball. It was embarrassing for one reason and one reason alone; who the hell likes getting their 18 year old ass picked up from school by their parent? No matter how expensive his car was, it was still going to be embarrassing. Even if it was a limo, okay, maybe if it was a limo I wouldn't have been so embarrassed but...meh, limo's are out dated. A nice car would be my Cadillac. Don't worry about me bursting into a detailed explanation on how smooth my car runs or anything about the engine because I didn't know shit and I only chose my car because it was pretty.

Pretty got attention and I liked attention. Liked asin the Canadian air has done something to me and the trivial things I cherished actually look worthless in my eyes. I didn't care about my hot rich guy reputation anymore -i'm still going to flaunt my car- I just wanted to be one other student in the crowd, focusing on school like I should. Ew, Is this what maturity sounds like because I will very much like to miss that train.

"Dad, we weren't the only ones that got powers that day." Brick at the front seat of dads' Tesla informed him.

A look flashed across his face but he was able to mask it. "Who else?"

"Three girls, the same age as us, you knew right?" Brick was oblivious to dad's change of expression.

His features relaxed. Why? Was he expecting a different answer? Is there someone else he is hiding from us he doesn't want us to find? But why though, why does their identity have to a secret? Secrets are kept from people it will affect, so will this secret affect us? I waved off my worries. I was bad at emotions, I probably just read his wrongly.

"Yea? Why?" He replied absentmindedly changing lanes.

We just moved and he drove like he had driven on this streets for years. I drove equally as comfortably just so you know.

"We met them."

He snapped his head at Brick then back at the road like he just remembered he was driving.

He seemed to be lost in his thoughts. "It's been so long." He ruffled his hair, a habit I've picked up from him. "Do you think they would want to meet me?"

Why would he want to meet them?

I chuckled earning a look from Brick which got ignored. It was comical, Bubbles had made it clear she wanted nothing to do with dad while he was ready to set up a meet and greet. "No, it seems like they hate you." I said quietly not meaning for everyone to hear but when I lifted my head Brick had his eyes on me and dad was looking at me through the rear view mirror. Butch who couldn't careless about what was going had his face still buried in his phone. "What?"

"They hate me?" Dad asked, a little hurt in his voice.

I nodded. Damn, no sugar coating. "Bubbles told me you ruined their lives."

He nodded like he understood, "I would hate me too. I abandoned them after the accident, I didn't check up on them, I didn't even try to offer any support."

I nodded. His confession was like a lesson to me. A lesson that made me angry. How could he have abandoned and left them to figure out the changes on their own? But who am I to play saint? It's not like I didn't about them, it's not like I couldn't reach out to them if I wanted to but I chose not to. I should stop pretending to be innocent while I have also done as much as he has. Nothing.

"I am going to make things right." He whispered but the words rang loudly in my ears.

Driving into our driveway, "You guys go clean up. We'll have pizza for dinner." Dad told us.

I rolled my eyes, dragging myself out of his car. That's like the 6th time this week we are having pizza for dinner and it's the sixth day of the week. That says so much about guys who can't cook living together.

We didn't eat any home cooked meal unless one of dad's co workers decided to pay us a visit and cook. Mom I miss you. Your food was terrible but it's okay for me now.

"Anything interesting happen today?" Butch asked, he had this sly smile on his face like he expected us to burst into a very detailed story of how we took someone's innocence in the boys bathroom.

Another reason why I thought my dad was a freak, he didn't like us having food in our rooms. Psycho I know. We were forced to eat in the kitchen like savages. Ew, why do I sound like Brick?

I shrugged, Brick shook his head. Butch couldn't just settle for our replies and believe it like a normal human being but no he decided to read mine and Brick's mind. After not finding anything in mine he moved on to Bricks.

"Dude, you made out with Blossom." Butch laughed, his comment was directed at Brick. Now that was something interest.

Both Brick and I feigned surprise.

Brick was more surprised by Butch reading his mind which he voiced, "Did you just read my mind?"

While about the information Butch just spilled, "You guys kissed?" But he ignored me. He was being salty. Dude just got attacked by Butch.

Butch ignored his demeanor and continued teasing him, "first day and you already have a girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend and she kissed me." He defended.

"You kissed her back." Butch retorted.

I stared at both of them in shock as they argued. How the hell did Blossom and Brick already make out on the first day of knowing each other? I would say he got game but I know very well my brother has zero game.

"Stay the hell away from my head." With that he was walking out, his pizza in his mouth. Spoiled brat didn't clear his plate.

Butch and I shared a look then started laughing. Brick was red as hell.

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