23: I used to look like you.

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Honestly, I didn't want this chapter. I just divided the previous chapter into two because this made more sense in Bricks POV. Blossom articulates her feelings here so its Bricks reaction we actually need to know.

Quick question though, does anyone watch BLs? Thai or korean. If you don't know what a BL is, this question is not for you.
There is nothing like the reality of being a bad person from making a girl cry and there's not a feeling worse than watching Blossom break down and being the cause.

Blossom is that girl who every guy has a crush on but doesn't realize but Blossom, she is a paragon to when those girls actually do. Blossom is a concatenation of everything flawless with every trait of subjective perfection. She is funny, smart, undoubtedly beautiful, fierce and everything pertinent. Its safe to say she easily grew on you.

When she is with Buttercup and Bubbles, she is completely childlike. She laughs. She teases. Sometimes, she even got obnoxiously cute but when she's with me, she is completely different. I am yet to come with terms with actually being hated by her.

Blossom hid very well, I realized. She smiled, even when the corners of her lips weren't drawn to the maximum. She laughed, even when her mind was somewhere else, I noticed, because I was always staring at her.

I heard about the bullying. I heard about the measures she takes to defend herself. What I didn't hear about though is how she manages to look so strong, to look so composed. Anyone could guess she is strong for Buttercup and Bubbles and I used to believe so until I looked into her eyes when she was glum and realized how much it overlapped with when she pretended to be happy.

She wasn't the strong and fierce girl I knew. I began seeing her vulnerability, her weakness and I realized; she hid well.

In movies, the most heartbreaking scene is when a composed character loses control, loses comportment from trauma and watching Blossom lose control reminded me of the villains in those movies; the spurs to mania. I never thought myself to be a bully but watching someone with control over their emotions breakdown because of my actions, I felt like one.

"Blossom," I called softly as I squatted to her crumpled self. She looked up at me but her eyes weren't seeing me, numb to me, like she wasn't present anymore. She fell into my arms supporting my claim when I tried to help her up. "I'm sorry," I whispered into her hair but still got no reaction from her.

It wasn't my intention to hug her, granted I did want to comfort her in such manner, but when she fell into my arms, I couldn't help but wrap my hands around her and pull her closer. I knew she probably couldn't feel it nor could it have had any effect at that moment but it felt necessary as she will always feel warm and have a sense of being protected when she regains her senses. I wanted her to feel that way, even though she might not know the reason, I wanted her to have it in the back of her mind that someone cares about her. Even though she might be curious to why she feels that way, I knew it will be a happy curiosity.

I always thought Blossom was pretty but in a platonic way. Whether she had her hair up or tied back with a scarf, she was pretty to me. No matter how chastely close you are to her, you just had to notice. Her skin looked like she has never seen a day of sunlight. She wasn't snow white but porcelain white, like the blood in her cheeks gave her color. Her eyes could either be a frosted baby pink or magenta depending on her mood. I have never seen her smile reach her eyes but I could tell they would sparkle when they do.

If not for Boomer, I would never have been able to tell Blossom was not okay. She and Boomer shared a similarity; their eyes. Boomer's eyes were either baby blue or azure -sometimes they got as dark as persian- and his baby blue eyes sparkled so much that it was hard to tell when he was depressed or happy. I eventually figured him out. His eyes were glistening like crystals against sunlight when he was happy and when he was sad, they resembled frosted flakes. I wanted to see that luminescence in Blossoms eyes.

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