14: Vegetable girl.

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What do want to happen in the next chapter? Any ideas?
"Hard knock on that one eh?" I chuckled behind Blossom watching as she shoved back the bag of gummy bears back on the shelf.

She glanced at me with a grimace, her expression conveyed so much. She left me for a while to get some things that were on sale and by the time she was back, I had already filled the cart with junk food. She never looked scarier as she ranted about how much sugar each snack had, how badly junk food was going to ruin my body while I just stood, staring at her, my hands in my pocket, smiling and wondering how she could have looked so hot while angry.

"You have to eat healthy and sugar covered gummy bears are the unhealthiest." She eventually replied while eyeing the green bag she had picked up from the rack. "This is both delicious and healthy." I came behind her reading the words on the bag from over her shoulder. She looked up at me innocently then smiled and spun around. She leveled the bag with my eyes sitting it on her head just as I frowned and read out. "Veggie straws? I will have to pass." I stuffed my pockets.

She eyed me and chuckled as if she knew something I didn't. "That's what I said. That's what they all h ad said." She threw a few more bags in the almost full cart. "You're going to love it." She walked off pulling the cart behind her. I snuck off a few packets of Freddo frog and stuffed my pockets as she had her back to me. She could take away my cotton candy marshmallows but she can't take my Freddo frog away. "I doubt that." I muttered then ran up to her innocently like I hadn't just swiped a few snacks right under her nose. She glanced at me and smiled then ran off like she expected me to chase her. Chase her I did.

There was something about the way my hoodie clung tightly to her waist and dropped to her thighs t hat made me feel possessive over her. From the moment I saw how uncomfortable she was in her clothes, I wanted to protect her, to hold her tightly by my side and when she kept running out of my arms I felt angry. I felt the need to protect her like it was my right; like that duty had fallen upon me in the thirty minutes I hung out with her. So with my hoodie around her waist and her confidence restored, I felt happy. At first, I thought I was having a mild crush on her, she's pretty enough to achieve that but it couldn't be that. I can't like someone after knowing them for a few minutes; no one has managed to achieve that with me. And Blossom definitely can't be the first. I froze in tracks, almost bumping into her. She stopped by the vegetable rack still with a playful smile on her face. I watched her push her hair away from her face and I smiled. How did I never notice how pretty her smile was? How have I taken each time she smiled for granted?

"I don't eat mushrooms." I told her as she picked up a bag of mushrooms.

She looked up at me; her eyes were prettier up close. She batted her lashes innocently at me. "They are good for you." She noted sternly, in a disciplinary voice. She would make a very scary girlfriend.

I chuckled, "I'm allergic, it's not that I don't like them."

"oh." Was all she said. She awkwardly dropped the mushrooms and picked up a bag of carrots, she carefully weighed it her hand as if she was scared I was allergic to them also.

"I don't eat those either." I smiled playfully but she was too busy staring at the carrots to notice.

Her eyes widened dramatically, "you're allergic to this too?"

"No, I just don't like them." I laughed causing her to shove me.

I didn't have the heart to admit to her that no one at home cooked so everything she buys would probably never get used so followed her around and let her pick whatever she wanted. It was extending my time with her anyway so I thought of it as a win win situation even though she wasn't getting anything out of this.

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