20: Are you hungry? I know a place.

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Do you watch anime?
I have watched only three animes in my life, AOT, Demon Slayer and Tokyo Ghoul and I have not finished any. I recently just finished Tokyo ghoul but I am stuck between watching My hero academia, Fates and Gintama.

So Butch and Blossom fought today. Okay more like Blossom kicked his ass while Butch took the beating silently. More befitting.

"Do you ever feel left out when things like this you know nothing about happen?" Boomer asked and being alone with him, I knew to answer.

I looked at the boy who was lending me his eyes then at the plain wall he was letting me see through.

Brick ran out and left us just as the chaos started. At first, he suspected when Blossom burst noisily into the cafeteria earning all eyes on her and brushed past him without a smile or a wave or any form of acknowledgement. I thought he was going to run after her or at least recognize she was seething and about to cause something and accept it when he stood up and watched her fading back but I was wrong. Having lived with Blossom for ten years, I am used to her chaos so I remained seated but Boomer who was still sitting across from me though was a mystery.

"No," I answered. "Whatever Blossom and Buttercup are hiding from me is for my own good. Although I don't like being protected, it feels good sometimes." He looked away from the plain wall and his mind became corrupted with an image of me as his eyes landed on mine. I disconnected from his mind and looked into his ocean blue eyes. Pensively, I told him, "I feel loved."

I am used to being left out when it comes to Buttercup and Blossom but I don't label it as that. What they do is protect me. I fight my battles myself and they let me but whatever they feel is triggering, they will filter. My life isn't hundred percent perfect but they are responsible for the eighty percent that is.

When Boomer told me he could see through eyes, I thought he was lying, so I said, to mock him, "show me." To which he replied, "look into my mind then." And I did, I was whisked away into another mind, into another body and a beautiful red clouded my vision like a translucent haze then I realized whose body Boomer possessed.

Blossom fought against Bricks hold, hair dancing in his eyes, fist slamming against his body and from that oblique angle, she looked beautiful, like a perfect mess. Her hair brushed against my nose once more and I caught the scent that exuded her billowing curls. From her proximity with Brick, I'm sure he did too. She used my coconut shampoo that morning and my lavender body wash. Brick could probably smell that too. She had an added beauty to her distressed face, which meant Brick either saw her every day with a luminous glow around her, a plumpness to her lips, smoothness to her skin and an icy sparkle to her baby pink eyes. Or seeing her from someone's eyes gave her a shine.

"But don't you ever still want to know?" Boomer pried, looking away from the direction he had been staring thoughtfully at.

"What would knowing do for them though? I know I can never have the answers to their problems so why would I want the baggage of knowing?"

He sank in his seat as if pondering on my question then said, "You're weird." I audibly sighed and rolled my eyes. What was I expecting?

"Says the guy wearing a Pikachu hoodie,"I rebutted. "Seriously? Pikachu? That's the worst kind of yellow."

He sent a look to his clothes and frowned. "This is my favorite hoodie and you wear those pointy-" he stuck two fingers to sides of his head- "cat ears. So you don't get to complain."

I poked the inside of my cheeks with the tongue and smirked,  "Touché." I curtly nodded and he chuckled. "So your powers-" I rested my weight on the table, my midriff pressing into the cold edge- "can you just look through anybody's eyes?"

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