16: If she liked it that much.

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Who wins in a fight, you or your siblings?

"Curly fries and regular fries don't taste the same," I argued persistently, repeating the same thing to my brother for the fifth time.

Butch dragged his hands across his face, tired of saying the same thing over and over again. "For the last time, they do."

Bubbles snickered beside me. "I think Boomer has a point there Butch." I faced her incredulously, I never in my life imagined Bubbles would support me on anything especially something as useless as fries. Well, not useless considering I am arguing about it with my life.

Bubbles is the type of girl to sit back and watch the chaos happen, sometimes she even caused the chaos and sat in the midst of it all.

"Oh tell me Bubbles," He said condescendingly, "how the hell do they not taste the same?" He wasn't handling the pressure that well. Dealing with one Blonde, he might succeed but dealing with two? Our victory was already predestined.

"Regular fries are just bland while curly fries taste like happiness. That's a very distinctive difference." She stated like she was giving an important presentation with hand gestures to better explain. "That's like saying gummy bears and gummy fruits are the same."

We both grimaced with a shiver, feeling the eerie cold of mentioning the forbidden snack."Yuck. Those hard ones you find in the bag for no reason?" I questioned.

She nodded, "everyone knows gummy fruits are just poison at best."

Butch's mouth hung open staring back and forth between Bubbles and I. He threw his hand in the air in surrender. "Why do I even bother?" He huffed.

I laughed in victory and held my hand up to Bubbles. She stared at me then rolled her eyes and high fived me. Buttercup snickered beside Butch.

Just then I locked eyes with Brick and Blossom who were approaching our table with smiles like they shared a secret only they knew about. With those two anything could be possible. After all they kissed the first day they met. I still can't come to terms with that.

Blossom is way out of Bricks league. Even with her wardrobe consisting mostly of hoodies and jeans, she still looked ten times better than a girl that would go for Brick. Sometimes she wears dresses, pretty cottagecore dresses and it's not rare to find Brick drooling over her.

Brick sat beside Bubbles and Blossom collapsed beside Butch wearily, her head on the table, her gaze on the swarm of students talking and eating animatedly. Butch nudged her and her gaze changed to him, her head still pressed against the table.

"What's up?" He asked her quietly and they conversed in hushed voices.

Abruptly, she sat up and faced me with a sly grin. If I didn't know her, I wouldn't have been scared.

"So Boomer are you giving Bubbles a ride today again." She mused. Buttercup eyes widened as she looked back and forth between Blossom and I then she snickered.

Bubbles beside me groaned and squeezed her eyes shut. "Oh God."

"Sure." I said, "If she liked it that much last time that she wants another today." I had replied nonchalantly but they somehow found my words funny and started laughing, their eyes almost popping out as they tried to suppress their laughter at first.

I turned to Bubbles for an explanation but she avoided my eyes. Her cheeks were flushed, between her palms. She had an embarrassed smile. "You guys are psychos."

Brick and Butch only shrugged when I turned to them. They were as clueless and confused as I was.

"Hey Boomer!" I whirled around on hearing the familiar voice.

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