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I arrived at drama late and sat down at a seat at the back. "Do we all have scripts?" Mr Pavane queried. I put my hand up and he came and passed one to me. "How come your late?" He asked me, whispering. "Something happened this morning, sorry sir," I apologized. "It's fine, just try to be on time next time ok?" He smiled before going back to the front. Nia and Emily were sat together at the front, looking around every now and again. My cheeks were stained with tears and I didn't want them to see. I zoned out, I was pregnant with Zach's kid. Maybe I read the test wrong, I thought. The lesson ended and I waited for Nia and Emily. "There you are! Mr Pavene might be mad that you didn't turn up," Nia told me.
"I'll explain to him later," I sighed.
"You ok?" Emily quizzed.
"Yeah, what do we have?"
"We have History, Nia has Science."

Lunch time arrived and I felt sick. Zach sat next to me and kissed my cheek. "What's wrong?" He questioned. I went to ask him if I could talk to him but Corbyn sat down across from him. They started talking and I wanted to check the test again, to see if I just made it up. "Hope?" Zach snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?"
"You spaced out for a sec," He told me. "I didn't get a chance to listen to your answer before, what's up?"
"Nothing, I'm just bored," I smiled. I felt horrible not telling him but I thought it was safer.

I drove home and saw that no one was home. I went up to my room and put on some music. Then someone knocked at my door. Pausing the music, I went and opened the door. "Oh hey Everleigh," I smiled.
"I need to talk to you," She stated. I let her in and shut my door behind her. "This morning, I hope you don't mind, I had to use your bathroom as your brother was using the main bathroom. I saw this," She brought out my test from Saturday. I felt myself go pale. "Your pregnant?" The dreaded question hung in the air. Why couldn't my brother get his shower fixed? "I haven't told anyone, don't worry," Everleigh informed me. I slowly nodded and she hugged me. "This is going to sound cheesy but it will be ok, I promise," She whispered. I started crying and couldn't stop. Nothing was going to be ok. "I'll just put the baby up for adoption, it'll be easier," I sniffed.
"Would Zach want that?"
I shrugged and looked at the picture of us two stuck to my wall. "Maybe not."

Everleigh didn't tell anyone once my parents got home and I was waiting for Zach. I played how I would tell him over and over in my head. "Hey I have something to tell you, I'm pregnant," I rehearsed before shaking my head. After practicing this to many times, my mum knocked on my door. "Zach's here."

We watched a movie and I was waiting for the right moment to tell him. Each time I kept changing the plan. Zach sensed something was wrong and paused the movie. "Hope, something is clearly wrong. What is it?" He asked me.
"Just homework and stuff, Nothing serious," I responded. But it was something very serious. "Don't lie, what's actually wrong?" He questioned. "I said nothing! It's just the homework I have," I repeated. We stared at each other before he continued the movie. Maybe I could blurt it out. Then it wouldn't be a big thing, right?

All week I was scared about slipping up or telling Zach. He could leave me or force me to put it up for adoption, then what? Everyone was still their normal selves but I was worrying about what would happen. I didn't even notice Kelly coming over to our table. "Hey Zach!" She smiled. I looked over at her but went back to my thoughts. If I tell Zach, he could go running to Kelly, maybe I shouldn't tell him then. "Aren't you gonna stop her?" Daniel whispered. I looked at Kelly who was practically straddling Zach. I was about to answer but threw up instead. On the bucket on our table. "Your lucky you didn't get it on me!" Kelly screeched.
"Shit, Hope," Ashley was holding my hair back whilst I threw up again. "Hope," I heard Zach say. I turned to him and he smiled at Ashley. "I'll take her to the nurses office."

The nurse just brushed it off as a stomach bug but obviously it was something else. "Was it do with Kelly? Like all the stress you have with her?" Zach queried. "No, she's fine," I managed to say. "Want me to come home with you then?"
"I'll be fine, thanks Zach."
I got up and started to walk to the exit. "Have I done something?"
"What?" I turned round.
"You've been distant again, did I do something?" He asked me. I walked up to him and hugged him. "You haven't done anything. I've just been tired. I promise," I smiled.

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