Chapter 26

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Meanwhile in Rihanna's suite . . .

Rihanna set her glass of red wine down on the centre table of the wide living room. She then continued watching what was on TV, her manager sat at her side.

"But do you understand how good this will make you look? Rihanna; the angel who made a little r*traded girl's dreams come true." The man said while making hands as if he could see this on a billboard. "You can see it right? This will be huge! It makes it better that she used to get bullied." The man seemed excited.

Rihanna was wearing sunglasses and a floppy hat along with a bathrobe. She had her legs up on the couch and seemed unbothered. "You shouldn't say that."

The man was confused. "What? Say that people will love you more because of this incredible plan?" He looked to her with furrowed brows. "Why wouldn't I say it when it's true?"

Rihanna took another sip. They weren't the only ones here. There were camera crews setting up since this would be documented, her agent was somewhere discussing things with a producer and a whole lot of other stuff was happening as well. "You called her f*cking r*tarded. It's offensive." She said bluntly without giving him eye contact.

Her manager laughed. "Yeah sure. Anyway-"

"You're fired." Rihanna still didn't give him any eye-contact.

The man sat frozen. "Wh-what?"

"Get him out of here. I knew he was a fake bitch from the start but I let him work for me because he had the degrees. Now he's just annoying. Move him." Rihanna was ordering.

Some buff guys came in and picked the guy up as if it was nothing.

"What the hell?! You can't fire me! I've been with you for a solid year! That's the longest you've kept a manager!" He was screaming.

But Rihanna didn't care. She listened for the click of the door when he left and then for the swinging of the door when someone else entered.

A new guy came and sat next to her. "Hello Ms. Rihanna. I can assure you that I won't be a . . . fake bitch like the last guy." He started up. He had been on standby as the assistant manager but now he was getting his chance to shine.

Rihanna nodded. "What's your name again?"


"Good." Rihanna faced him. "Don't f*ck up."

"Of course." Carl told her.

A lady at the door started to speak then. "Ms. Rihanna, they have arrived."

Rihanna didn't budge. "Let them sign the stuff then bring them in."

Carl got up and started giving some instructions to the camera guys and other people. "If the little girl is too uncomfortable you all are going to have to back out okay? We don't want to interfere with her health."

"Yes sir." The men said.

At the door, Jesy was freaking out! She'd been okay the whole time but now they were actually here! "Oh my God!" She squealed in a whisper while watching some woman hand Sairah a clipboard with something on it. She and Bucket were holding hands at her side. "Buck do you see this place?" It looked like the set of a movie! Why were there so many cameras?

Leigh-Anne was trying to peek in to find Rihanna. "Rihanna's house Jesy." She said sounding amazed.

"I know." Jesy and her girl squealed together for a while. "Okay, okay remain calm." She said softly. "We need to act like celebs alright? We're cool too." She kept peeking in and getting butterflies. This wasn't like anything she'd ever experienced before!

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