Chapter 25

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"But which one will suit my face better? I need answers here people." It was the day that Jesy and Leigh would be meeting Rihanna and Jesy was ecstatic.

Perrie tilted her head while stroking her chin. "They're both red."

"Um no! This one is scarlet while this one is mixed with red and purple I believe." Jesy shook the two boxes of hair dye at either side of her face where she held them. She and Bucket were to meet Rihanna at evening time around seven and right now it was after three. Jesy had decided to bring Jade and Perrie out with her to get herself some new stuff to wear to Rihanna's. Yeah she was pulling them out of after school activities but she knew that they would find this more fun.

"Ooo Jesy I found this makeup kit that has all the best colours for someone with your skin tone." Jade brought it forward to the aisle where the hair dyes were. "Check it. Don't you think this will suit you well?" She wore a bright smile.

Jesy didn't examine it but she trusted Jade since the girl was good with makeup. "Yeah babe. We'll bring it to the cashing desk in a bit." She winked before turning a disappointed look to Perrie. "You're of no help."

"Hey I helped when we'd been at the clothes store a while ago." Perrie took the scarlet hair dye. "Use this then. It'll make your hair cooler."

Jesy smiled. "Thank you." She put the other one back then told the girls to toss what they had into the basket she was carrying around.

Now they were moving to the cashing desk.

"Jesy are you even allowed to wear hair dye to school?" Jade asked as they stood in line.

Jesy laughed. "No. It's the type of dye you can wash out of your hair after having it in for a day." She smiled at the items in the basket while remembering how today went.

Bucket had not come to school because her mother had said that she had been kind of hyper in the morning and would probably cause trouble. Her family had had the task of calming her down due to her excitement. It was kind of like a meltdown the girl was having but a very happy energetic one. That was what Ms. Sunshine explained to the class for the girl's absence. She's calmer now I believe. I called her a while ago and she said to meet her at the hospital where her mum works. That's where Bucket had spent the day and it would also be where Sairah would pick them up to bring them to Rihanna's.

All day, Jesy had been treated like a full on celebrity by her school mates. Everyone wanted to talk to her, to ask her about Rihanna to tell her what to say to Rihanna and to just be nice to her before she took off so she would remember them when she got big. It had been fun at first but Jesy had found them all annoying fakes after a while. Michelle's dumb friends who had ended their day suspension kept saying that they never meant to hurt her or Bucket and Michelle told them to and yada, yada, yada. Jesy hated them so she just acted like they didn't exist. The only people she talked to all day were her guy friends and her senior friends. Jade and Perrie too sometimes.

"Aww man. So as soon as you put it in you've got to wash it out?" Perrie pouted. "I kind of wanted to buy a blue hair dye." She smiled.

Jesy rolled her eyes. "Your mum didn't give you money to pay for that shit." It was her turn to cash now so she set her things on the desk.

Jade squealed. "Dang Jesy. I can't believe that yous are really going to meet Rihanna in the next few hours."

Jesy danced where she stood, also excited. "I know right? It's like this is all some dream to be honest." She turned a smile to them. "Feels like just yesterday I was coming to tell you lot that I met Bucket doesn't it?"

Perrie nodded. "Yeah. And now we're here and she's famous." She laughed. "I guess Bucket always had it in her to rule the world." She smirked.

Jesy cackled. "True that. I could see she was better than everyone from the start." She paid for her stuff and took the bags they were set in to go outside.

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