Chapter 1

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"The main reason why I moved was to be with you Jesy. And that's because I missed you very much and I really wasn't sure if I'd be able to go back to my school and be normal without you."

Jesy just couldn't get over this. Here was her Bucket, back in her arms. They were holding hands and walking down the hall together. This felt just like summer but only that they were at school. As longs as she's here that magical feeling will be there. Summer or not.

Kids in the halls were staring at them, whispering and pointing. They were apparently still pretty popular. Or maybe the fact that they had been at some point and were now in the presence of so many people was what was sparking interest.

"So you just told everyone to pick up and go and they agreed?" Jesy sounded amused by that prospect. Aww look at her in the uniform with her little shoes and her hair done so neatly. She wanted to kiss Bucket over and over but that would draw even more attention to them. Ugh I'm too famous.

Bucket was smiling and looking ahead. "Well Jesy it didn't go exactly like that. You see, my mum giggle- she's inside of our class- she said that after everything happened and everyone found out my secret, a few specialists . . ." She paused to scratch her head with her free hand before she began skipping.

Jesy nearly fell. "What? Excited suddenly Buck?" She was smiling from ear to ear and she couldn't stop.

Bucket stopped suddenly with a laugh. ". . . a few specialist kept contacting her and they had all been from London. And well she and my dad never really wanted me to see a specialist since I was young because they didn't like any of the specialists around our area but Jesy what happened was that she found the specialists who'd been sending her emails were more genuine. Even though she still wasn't sure she said that she still considered it. So she ended up asking me if I'd like to see a specialist so things would be a little easier for me and I said that I was scared but after some time I said that maybe I would want to see a specialist so I could be more 'normal' so people would stop bullying me and she said okay. So my mum contacted the specialist she liked the most and she even came to our house to check my chemistry with her and to me the specialist is very nice so now she's my specialist but she's based in London."

Jesy was nodding slowly. That sounded like more of a reason for her to move. "Oh wow so you'll be seeing a specialist from now on?" This could make things interesting. It would be cool if they could get Bucket to wear clothes that kids their age would be more likely to wear and speak a little bit more like how teens did and to understand how clothing worked on a whole. What would she be like without her quirks? Could a specialist really do that much? I mean I don't mind her how she is but I can't help but wonder.

"Mhmm. She's a neurologist and she's got some friends who will also help me. I hope her friends are nice because I've never met them and I'm not sure but she's nice to me." Bucket said as they approached the classroom door. She smiled at Jesy then pointed inside at her mum who sat at a desk. "That's my mum." She whispered.

Jesy had to laugh. "Bucket I remember what she looks like you know." She began to enter with the girl.

"Oh my, my, my is that really Jesy? It feels like it's been ages even though you practically just left our house." Mrs. Pinnock stood up once Jesy and her daughter came up to where she was.

Jesy was smiling from ear to ear as she went to the side to hug the lady. "Hey Mrs. P." She looked at the woman's scrubs. "Good to see you. Do you work at a hospital close by?"

"Why yes I do. I won't say it's very close by but it can do." She was smiling at the girl. "You alright love? You look so prim and proper in your uniform. Aww. Bless her." She and Bucket giggled.

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