"oh yeah? why?"

"because, you can have either a big piece of cake, or a little piece of cake. with cupcakes, they're all the same size.

"yeah," sicheng said, actually getting into the conversation, "but cupcakes can be transported easily and you can just use your hands to eat it."

"well sure, BUT-" they went on, fighting about which was better, cupcakes or cake for the entire ride. at least it made the ride feel shorter and gave sicheng something to do besides get annoyed at every move and sound taeyong made. they both stopped arguing as they heard sicheng's phone.

'you have arrived at your destination'



they boths  gawked at the mansion as sicheng parked in front. sicheng didn't remember it being this big last time he was here because the alcohol completely distracted him. or probably because he was getting dicked down but..anyway

there were 20 beautiful and expensive cars parked in a row. it looked like about a thousand people lived inside the building.

"is it even legal for someone to own so much property?" sicheng asked, still extremely perplexed from the castle-sized mansion in front of him.

"can i um... get with him please?" taeyong begged, "he could pay for my college tuition with cash straight from his wallet."

"hell no!" sicheng screamed back, "he's my man."

"your man? you've known him for like, 18 hours!" sicheng just rolled his eyes as he shamefully pulled up in front of the mansion with his old, beat up, toyota camry.

there was a young lady dressed in a pretty black dress who approached their car.

"ah yes! you must be mr. dong, mr. nakamoto  is waiting for you," she said while opening sicheng's car door. suddenly, the car door fell out of its socket and hit the ground with a loud 'clank.' sicheng awkwardly smiled as he shoved the door in his trunk.

"i can get a ride home," he quietly whispered.

taeyong checked his nails for a second before he started interrogating the lady.

"does this uhm... utah man uh.. have any friends? preferably of high status? has to be male, at least 6 ft ta-"

the lady suddenly started shaking, "uh- i don't know i'm sorry! this is just my job." she started tearing up which made her extremely suspicious. well, at least in taeyong's eyes.

"just uh, follow me in ok?"she cheerfully smiled, but then ran away from taeyong. she shielded the door's security code as she pressed away at the numbers. you could hear her pressing the buttons for DAYS. the code was unbelievably long. about 28 digits, which sicheng counted. does he really need all of this security? or is he just paranoid?

suddenly, there was a loud unlocking sound, which made taeyong jump. the door opened widely automatically to reveal the inside of the mansion.

"oh. my. fucking. god-" taeyong mumbled out as he was in disbelief of him much money one man had. the room looked like a ballroom, and it was only the entrance! there was velvet couches with gold stairs and gold railings, a glass chandelier, fuzzy red carpets, and a statue of a zebra fish in between the couches. the room made the boy's little dorm look like a prison cell.

"follow me!" the woman cheered out as she led them up the narrow, wide steps. sicheng's hands caressed the railings. that's fucking real gold. taeyong tried to lick the railing.

"if i lick it enough, the gold might chip off and then i can sell my tongue which has gold on it so i can finally buy that vib-"

"haha! i'm sorry about him, he's very sick right now," sicheng awkwardly yelled out. suddenly, the lady stopped in her tracks.

"there will be ABSOLUTELY NO GERMS!" she yelled.

a team of women dressed in nurse's outfits came out of nowhere and put taeyong in a hospital dress and put a mask over his mouth.

"mr. nakamoto is extremely squirmish about germs," she coldly exclaimed, "so we must keep all germs out!"
taeyong pouted while the lady contributed to climb the stairs as they met the top.

she led them through a wide hallway, and gestures them to open a pair of tall wooden doors.

"mr. nakamoto is in there right now. please be mindful because he is currently speaking to a coworker." she walked away and disappeared into the next hallway.

sicheng started at taeyong and motioned him to open the door.

"no you open it!" taeyong whisper-screamed at him.

"hell no i can't open it! i feel bad for even BREATHING in such an expensive place. the air is probably worth more than my rent."

"well you can't expect me to open the door in this! i look like i just got open-heart surgery!"
sicheng grumbled as he finally got the courage to open the door. in there he saw tall shelves with thousands of books in them, a long wooden table that stretched as long as a limo, and two men sitting at it. the two men looked at the guests near the door.

"no! it can't be..." one of the men called out in disbelief.

taeyong suddenly ripped off all his medical gear and went running to the man.
"daddy! you knew i was coming!" he said while hugging the older.
he pushed taeyong away.
"if i KNEW you were coming, i would pack my things and dash out of the door."

it was jaehyun, y'know the poor guy who taeyong always gushed over. taeyong just laughed, ignoring the older man.

"oh you're so funny! haha sicheng, isn't he so funny?"

sicheng just sighed, feeling as if he could cry any second. he made a straight face, and muttered in a monotone voice.


jaehyun just squirmed in his spot, trying to get the smaller off of him, not succeeding during the process.

sicheng then turned to the other man. he blushed as butterfly's flew in his stomach again. it was yuta. he shyly waved at him while yuta shyly waved back.

"hey," sicheng blurted out.
"hi, are you ready for today?" yuta smiled warmly as he waited for sicheng's response.
he nodded as he stared at his own hands. that smile was so beautiful. it made sicheng's stomach do backflips. but he didn't have a crush on him or something, he just finds his wealth attractive.

"ok, jaehyun. sicheng and i are going on  a date! watch the house would ya?" yuta said calmly as sicheng choked up. damn, he is really going on a date huh? "we should be back in a couple of hours."

jaehyun finally peeled taeyong off of him. "what do you mean watch the house? i'm not your slave. and besides, you have people that you ACTUALLY PAY TO DO THAT!"
"just do it please?" yuta replied as he ignored what jaehyun said. jaehyun scowled. there's no way jaehyun would 'watch the house.'
"well i'm going home. i cannot STAND this boy!" he scuffed as he glared at taeyong.
"i love you too, daddy!" he warmly called out, "let me come home with you so we can fuck~"
"hell no im not putting my dick anywhere near you!" jaehyun hollered as he grabbed his suitcases and ran out the door, taeyong chasing after him.

yuta just giggled, "let me guess, he's never gonna learn, is he?"
"nope, he's just a lovesick puppy." sicheng replied, joining in on the giggles.

"well, my driver is ready to bring us, are you?" yuta said while inching his hand closer to sicheng's. sicheng noticed, and pulled his hand away, confusing yuta.

"yeah...i'm ready!" sicheng replied confidently as yuta felt relieved again. they walked out the door, ready for their first date.

-ahaha.. guess what's happening in the next chapter 🥴

sweet like candy, yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now