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Scarlett woke up and sighed. She knew they she was still pregnant and that it was all a mess. She was still pregnant and knew that she needed to sort it before it was too late. She stood up from her bed and sighed as she ran a hand through her hair. She grabbed her dressing gown and sighed as she walked into the kitchen and sighed. She walked over to the sink and grabbed herself a glass of water and sighed "scar?" She heard a voice from behind say. She turned and frowned as she saw Kim who was standing there and looking at her "well, aren't your going to give your mum a hug" Kim said as Scarlett looked to her and smiled as she walked over to her and hugged her and smiled "why didn't you tell me that you were getting out" Scarlett asked as Kim looked to her and smiled as she placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"Because you have been through so much already baby girl and I am here for you and I am going to look after you because I love you and it's my job as your mum I have some time to make up for" Kim said as Scarlett looked to her and smiled "I'm scared mum" Scarlett said with tears in her eyes. Kim smiled slightly knowing it was hard for Scarlett to admit how that she was scared "I know that you are but it is going to be okay I am here now and I am going to look after you" Kim said as Scarlett smiled as she felt a tear roll down her face. Scarlett knew that she was scared and that she had no idea what to do but she knew she was a lot like her mum than she thought and she needed her mum now more than ever


Chloe walked into the room as she looked Scarlett. "Have you spoken to Cain?" Chloe asked as Scarlett looked to her and sighed "leave it Chlo, please I can't have this conversation not with him. It's for the best he doesn't know" Scarlett said as Chloe looked to her "it's his baby and he has a right to know" Chloe said as Scarlett sighed. Scarlett knew that the sooner she sorted this pregnancy out the better but Scarlett couldn't tell Cain about it and Scarlett has a feeling that if she didn't that Chloe would and she knew that the last thing that she wanted was for Cain to know as she knew that he would want to keep the baby and she didn't know if it was what she really wanted


Kim got to the village and smirked as she stood from her car. She walked over to the garage and looked to Cain who frowned as he looked to her "can I help you?" He asked as Kim smirked "yeah, you can stay away from my daughter as she doesn't need you or you will be sorry and it isn't a threat it's a promise. If you go near Scarlett again I will kill you and it's not the first time I've killed for her either" Kim said as she walked off Boeing to do anything for her children

Mummys little girl (Emmerdale)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu