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Scarlett knew how she was loving being a mum. Ivy was an easy baby. And she rarely cried. She knew how she found it hard sometimes. But the good outweighed the bad.

She knew that she was worried about Chloe. Especially since Graham had gotten out of hospital. Her sister had been disappearing a lot with Esmè.

Kim had been too busy focusing on Jamie and Andrea since all that had happened. Scarlett hated how she felt as though her mum only cared about her brother who had never been around.

Scarlett knew how she was keeping it quiet that Jamie was the one who got her mum sent to jail. And she was so tempted to say something. But she didn't want to cause a huge row.

Not that she thought Kim would care. She knew how Kim was. And that she only cared about what she could control.

Scarlett knew she loved her mum. And she wanted things to go back to how they used to be. But it wasn't going to be that simple.

Things were hard for her. Not when it came to being a mum. But with her family. She felt as though she just wanted to run away and disappear.

She wanted to get Cain and Ivy. And just vanish. It would be easier for her. Or so she thought.

All that Scarlett knew was that things were a complete mess. And she just had to somehow make it all seem worth it.

Morning came and she was lying in bed with Cain. They'd just finished having sex. Cain looked to her. "What do you say to you, me and Ivy all going away for a couple days? To get away from this village."

Scarlett nodded. "Sounds like a good plan babe. I can book us somewhere if you want?"

"My treat. I can see how hard things have been for you. What with your family. And I just want to take your mind off it," Cain said.

Scarlett smiled as she straddled him. She looked down at him. "When did I get so lucky to have you?"

"When you first had sex with me. You're amazing."

"I know."

The two of them kissed again. Scarlett smiled. "You, me and Ivy. My perfection," she said.

Scarlett walked through the village. She saw Chloe and walked over to her. "Hey. Is everything okay?" Chloe asked.

Scarlett sighed. She looked to her. "I'm worried about you. What's going on?" She asked.

Chloe shook her head. "Graham. He's trying to take Esmè from me. I'm... I'm using him so I can get away with Esmè," she told her.

"Get away?"

Chloe nodded. "Yeah. Too much happened here. And I'm not happy. Esmè can sense I'm not happy. She won't come near me half the time," she said.

Scarlett sighed. She smiled and looked to her sister. "If getting away is what you need. Then go for it," she told her.

Scarlett walked into home farm. She saw Kim with Esmè and Millie. She smiled as she looked to Esmè.  "Hi princess. Mum... where's Jamie?" She asked.

Kim smiled. "Jamie and Andrea have gone away for the night. I'm watching Millie."

Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Course you are. Why do you never offer to have Ivy? Or even Esmè. Cause I know Chloe is upstairs."

"Jamie needs my help. I don't want him to leave again."

Scarlett scoffed as she turned and walked off. Determined to reveal the truth about how Jamie was the one who got Kim sent to jail.

Mummys little girl (Emmerdale)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon