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Scarlett groaned as she felt a contraction hit her. She was in labour and she was scared. Cain had ran off after their fight and she had gone into labour and she was scared and alone

She grabbed her phone off of the side as she went to call cain again as it rang and rang causing her to groan in annoyance "damn it cain" Scarlett groaned as she felt another contraction hit her. She was in labour and she was alone and she had no idea where cain was

Scarlett grabbed her phone as she went to call Chloe and groaned "scar. Are you okay?" Chloe asked as she answered the phone

"No I need to get to the hospital I can't find cain we had a fight" Scarlett said

"I'm in town I can't"

"Damn it Chloe I need you I'm in labour" Scarlett said

"I'll call mum okay. Don't worry it's going to be okay" Chloe said as she hung up. Scarlett was scared and alone and she felt as if she had no one that she could count. She was scared and she was due for six weeks and she couldn't do this alone

Scarlett looked as the door opened and Kim walked in and frowned as she looked to her "Scarlett"

"Mummy. I'm scared" Scarlett said as Kim walked over to her

"It's okay I'm kere let's get you out to the car and to the hospflal how far see you comtesctions" Kim asked

"Ten minutes" Scarlett said as Kim nodded

"My bag it's in the bottom of the wardrobe upstairs" Scarlett said as Kim nodded

"I'll get it. It's going to be okay I'm trying to get a hold of claim even though I'd like to kill him right now" Kim said as Scarlett smiled

Scarlett stood pacing the hospital room, she knew they this wasn't how she imagined giving birth but jere she was with her mother as her birth partner when she knew it should be cain

"Amy luck" Scarlett asked as Kim e

"No Chloe is looking for him try and focus on the baby" Kim said as Scarlett sighed

"It's easier said them done this is his baby too" Scarlett said as she looked as the door opened as cain rushed in. Scarlett groaned as she leant over the bed as another contraction hit her

"I'm so sorry I'm here" he said as he rubbed her back and took a hold of her hand

Scarlett lay in the bed and rested her head back as she finished giving birth. She smiled as the small baby was placed into her arms

"Is she isn't? I mean she's early" Scarlett asked the doctor

"She's perfect just a bit smaller but she's all healthy" the doctor said as Scarlett smiled as she looked down at the baby.

She had cains black hair. She felt a tear roll down her face as cain sat on the bed next to her and smiled as he looked to his daughter

He knew this time was his chance to do things right. She was his chance to be a proper dad

"She's perfect" Scarlett said as cain smiled

"She is. She is just like her mum" cain said as Scarlett smiled as he leant in and kissed her knowing how they're life's were so my to change

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