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Scarlett smiled as she walked into the house with cain. She was tired and she didn't realise just how much that giving birth would effect her. Scarlett knew that she was as tired

She didn't realise how much having a baby wound drain her. She sat on the sofa and she looked to her baby and smiled. She knew what a mess that things were but she wanted to have her baby and for her and cain to be happy and be good parents

"Are you okay" Cain asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm good, I'm just tired and in pain I didn't realise how much all of this would get to me. I know that I love her so much even if we haven't got a name for her but I do want this. I do want us" she said as cain looked to her and smiled

He placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her and smiled

"It's all going to be okay and don't worry we will get a name when the time is right" he said as she looked to him and smiled

She knew that he was right. Scarlett looked to him and smiled. She picked up her baby from the car seat and smiled

She knew that she had never felt love that this before. "She's like you" Scarlett said as cain looked to her and frowned

"Your kidding right? She's beautiful. She's all you. The only thing me about her is her hair and that will probably change. I was never there for Debbie, Nate and even Kyle and with Isaac it was a shock but she's going to be different i want to do what's right for her" he said as Scarlett looked to him and smiled

Scarlett smiled as she heard a knock at the door. She looked to see Chloe as she answered the door and smiled

"Hey I wanted to come and see my sister and my niece who has no name" Chloe said as Scarlett lead her in and smiled as she looked to her

"Come on in" Scarlett said as Chloe took the baby from her and smiled as she looked down at her

"She's makes me want another. I never got this bind with Esme so she definitely does" Chloe said as Scarlett smiled

"She's perfect I just need a name for her" Scarlett said as cain looked to her and smiled

"You'll find a name when your ready. How are you feeling" Chloe asked as she looked to her sister who smiled

"I'm okay I'm just tired and I know that this ain't be easy but she's with it" Scarlett said as Chloe smiled

Scarlett smiled as she looked to see Kim as she walked in and looked to her daughter

"Are you okay" Kim asked as Scarlett smiled

"I'm okay. I just want everything to be okay. I'm tired and I know this isn't easy" Scarlett said as Kim smiled

"I know it won't be easy. You can do this and you'll be an even better mum then I ever was too you" Kim said as Scarlett smiled

"Don't be so hard on yourself I mean me and Chloe were never the easiest and then there's Jamie and you know shah he's like" Scarlett said.

Scarlett looked down at her small bump and smiled. Scarlett knew that she had bright her into the world and she was her responsibility and she knew how none of it was easy at all

But could she cope with it all?

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