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Scarlett sat in the hospital. She was scared that she could be loosing the baby and she knew that after everything she and Cain had been through.

They had already lost one child together and she could t cope if she loose another baby

"Cain" Scarlett said as he turned to face her and smiled, he walked over to her and took a hold of her hand and smiled as he kissed the top of her head

"I'm scared, I can't loose this baby" she said as he sat on the bed next to her and smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her. He knew that she was scared and she didn't know what to think

"we have been under a lot of stress but your not loosing this baby I promise you" he said as he wrapped his arms around her. He could see that she was upset and he was worried.

He knew how much that they both wanted this baby and to make it work. Cain knew that he loved Scarlett and he knew that they had been throughout a lot together and he knew that he had to be hopeful that she and their baby was going to be okay.

Scarlett rested her head into his chest as he held her close

Scarlett sat in the house and looked to see Chloe as she walked in

"so Cain has given me instructions that you are not to move and I am too look after you until he comes home, Esmè is with mum so I'm here" Chloe said as Scarlett looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I'm fine I can look after myself"

"no Cain said that you need to rest, for the baby and you need to take it easy, I know how hard it is but it will be okay, you and Cain can do this and you can be a good mum and I know that you are worried after all that happened last time but this isn't last time and yeah we don't have the most maternal mother but she loves us and will do anything for us, you are going to be a good mum" Chloe said as Scarlett looked to her sister and smiled

Scarlett knew that she wanted to believe that Chloe was right but she knew that she had to get to a stage in her pregnancy where she knew that everything would be okay.

Scarlett knew that she had lost a baby before snd she knew how terrified that she was as she knew that she could t cope with it again

Scarlett walked into home farm as she saw Chloe and Kim

"you know I am meant to Be resting" Scarlett said as she looked to them

"I know but there's something you need to know" Kim said as Scarlett said as Chloe placed a hand on top of her bump and sighed

"what is it"

"it's Jamie,he's back and it's not good" Chloe said as Scarlett sighed, Scarlett was worried

she was worried knowing her brother was back and knowing what he had done last time and how he had almost killed her but what did Jamie want?

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