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Scarlett sighed to herself as she stood pacing in front of the car on the phone to Kim "mum please, I'm sorry" Scarlett said as she ran a hand through her hair. Scarlett knew that she had messed things up and that Kim was getting annoyed, Kim wanted her revenge for everyone who had tried to bring her down "no Scarlett, sort this out once and for all and don't let me down, and don't get distracted and you know what I mean I am watching you" Kim said as she hung up the phone as Scarlett groaned to herself as she ran her hands through her hair and turned to face Chloe who was looking at her "what is going on between you and mum? I thought hat we were in this together?" Chloe asked as Scarlett looked to her and smiled "we are, it's me that mum is mad at, I did something" Scarlett said.

Chloe joined to her and frowned "what?" She asked as Scarlett sighed "mum is pissed at me, I'm ashamed but I can't say not yet" Scarlett said as Chloe looked to her sister and smiled. She knew that Scarlett would tell her what happened when she was ready "I have to go, I need to go and pick mums car up, and you have work to do" Scarlett said as Chloe looked to her and smiled "oh I know, I better get to work I'll see you later" Chloe smirked as she got into her car and drove off to home farm.


Later that day, Scarlett walked into the garage and smirked as she spotted Cain, Cain looked to her and smirked. He knew hat he was married to moira and knew that Scarlett was young, younger than his daughter but there was something about her which reminded him of someone, someone that he couldn't but his finger on. "Is it all ready?" She asked as her phone beeped and she sighed as she looked to a message off of Kim and sighed. Cain looked to her and frowned as he handed her the car keys and smiled slightly "you look as if your in a mood like me?" He said as she looked to him and frowned "it's nothing just my mum" she said as she locked her phone and sighed "mummy issues?" He asked teasing her as she rolled her eyes at him "you could say that" she said as he smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. She froze for a moment and kissed him back before he pulled away and smirked to her.


Later that day, Scarlett walked into home farm and frowned as she noticed how quiet it was. She frowned to her myself and smirked as she glanced around. She knew that this would be there home soon, as soon as Kim arrived along with their older brother James. Scarlett walked through the empty house and walked towards the kitchen as she saw Chloe and graham having sex on the table. Scarlett cleared her throat as Chloe looked to her sister "crap" she said as Scarlett walked out into the hallway as Chloe walked out to where she was zipping up her dress "so is this what your doing, sleeping with him, chlo I have been there" Scarlett said as Chloe looked to her and frowned "what do you mean?" She asked as Scarlett walked into the lounge and ran her hands through her hair "I had an affair with a married man Chloe" Scarlett said.

Chloe looked to her sister shocked "I'm heading that's what mum is on about, why she's so mad?" Chloe asked as Scarlett grabbed a glass of scotch and took a sip from it "she said she doesn't want me to be like her, but I think that history is going to repeat itself but it's different, I have something with Cain dingle and mum is going to kill me" Scarlett said as Chloe wrapped an arm around her and hugged her "your not alone in this, we're together and it will be fine" Chloe said as Scarlett looked to her sister and smiled.

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