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Scarlett walked into home farm and looked to Chloe who frowned

"what is it" Chloe asked as Scarlett looked to her and raised an eyebrow at her

"what do you think is wrong chlo, the father of my child is arrested. He is sitting in a cell right now because someone has framed him, he was with me that night. He didn't do that and I can make sure of it, someone is framing him and I am just so bad right now" Scarlett said as she sat down, she rested her hand on her bump and sighed as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"I know that you are worried but it's okay, look you will find a way to make it work. You will be okay. You always are. Cain will get out and it will be okay you just need r or et and stay strong I mean you are pregnant and you need to think over the baby, you don't want to stress yourself out" Chloe said as Scarlett looked to her and smiled,

scarlett knew that she was right and how she had to do what was best for the baby but she knew that it wasn't that easy, scarlett knew that the stress was getting to her but she knew how she had to think over the baby

Scarlett stood in the kitchen as Kim walked in and looked to her

"are you okay" Kim asked as Chloe looked to her and rolled her eyes

"oh I'm just perfect. My boyfriend is locked in a jail cell because someone set him up and I know that he didn't do it" Scarlett said

"oh can you be sure" Kim asked as Scarlett looked to her and rolled her eyes

"because I was with him that night,it was probably when this baby was conceived. Did you do it? I know that you have done a lot for me but I know that you don't like Cain. So did you set him up?" Scarlett asked as Kim looked to her and sighed

"I know I am capable of a lot of things Scarlett but I don't like Cain yes but you love him and your having his baby and i wouldn't do that to you. Look I don't know who did this but it wasn't me I promise you" Kim said as Scarlett looked to her and nodded

"I hope not as if it was you, I know that I will never forgive you if you did this" Scarlett said as she walked out of the kitchen. Scarlett knew everything was a mess and she hated it

Scarlett stood outside of the police station as she edified for cain. She had bailed him out. He walked over to her and kissed her as he pulled her close and kissed her

"you bailed me out" he asked as she nodded

"I did. Look I am not going to have you sit in there when you didn't do it. We are going to find out the truth and we are going to find out who set you up and we will make them pay" Scarlett said as cain pulled her close and kissed her but could they find out who was trying to set him up?

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