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Scarlett sighed as she walked into the bedroom as Kim followed her "so are you going to explain what I just walked in on" Kim asked as Scarlett rolled her eyes "come on mother, your old enough to know what sex is" Scarlett said as Kim looked to her and glared "cut the attitude Scarlett, I mean it. I am not in the mood for this" Kim said as Scarlett said as she sat on the bed and slipped her heels off. They were killing her feet "it was nothing, it was a moment of weakness. It's over I promise" Scarlett said as Kim looked to her. She knew how manipulative that Scarlett could be and it made her proud until Scarlett turned it on her "it wants to be as I mean it, I will get rid of him. He is a married man and he's not good enough for you" Kim said as Scarlett looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Can you stop being so controlling, I'm a big girl and I can look after myself" Scarlett said as Kim looked to her "no you can't, you always get yourself in trouble and don't you remember why I went to jail when you got involved with a married man at fourteen. You owe me, I did time for you" Kim said as Scarlett looked to her and glared. She knew she was right and how Kim and Scarlett had Lied to Chloe over why Kim went to jail "I can't deal with this, it's over with Cain okay, just leave him alone. Just leave it please mum" Scarlett said as Kim looked to her "do as I tell you I mean it" Kim said as Scarlett looked to her and glared "I'm not a little girl, I'll do what I want" Scarlett spat as she walked off. She was mad and wanted to make Kim pay.


Later, Scarlett heard a crashing noice and frowned as she walked down the stairs and frowned as she looked to see Kim lying on the floor after falling in broken glass. She frowned as everyone looked to her and frowned as two police officers walked in "Scarlett Tate, were arresting you on assault of Kim Tate" they said as they handcuffed her "what, her off of me I didn't do it. Why would I do it" Scarlett yelled as she was lead off out of home farm. Scarlett was lead into the back off a police car and glared. She was annoyed, she didn't do it and she wasn't going to be made out to be guilty.


The next day, Scarlett walked out of the police station. She saw Chloe who was waiting for her and smirked "how would I know it would only be a matter of time before you got arrested" Chloe said as Scarlett rolled her eyes as she got into the car and sighed "shut it, take me to see me mum before I change my mind" Scarlett said as Chloe nodded. Scarlett got to the hospital and walked in and she saw Kim all bandaged up "do you remember who did it" she asked "no, it was all to fast" she said as Scarlett smiled "they arrested me, it wasn't. I'm sorry, I know that your right about Cain. I'll end it. I promise" Scarlett said as Kim smiled "good girl" she said unaware that Chloe was about to get only a car accident.

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