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A\N:Chloe Tate and any kiddies she has belongs to _X_Sammii_X_


The white SUV speeded from the village and towards home farm as eighteen-year-old Scarlett Tate stood from it. She looked around and smirked towards home farm, it was the reason that she was here. She had been sent by her mum to get home farm back. Scarlett looked around as she spotted a familiar blonde, her twin sister Chloe. Chloe walked over to her and crossed her arms over her chest and looked to Scarlett “so, what did you do that mum sent you here?” Chloe asked as Scarlett sighed and looked to Chloe “it was nothing” Scarlett said as Chloe sighed and nodded “i know it's not nothing, we are twins scar, and I know that mum sends you away when she is pissed at you, hence boarding school” Chloe said as Scarlett sighed and looked to Chloe and smiled.

“its nothing, she thinks in need a reality check, that’s all. So, this is it?” Scarlett asked as she leant against the car with her sister who nodded “yes, in a matter of weeks this will be our new home” Chloe said as Scarlett nodded. Scarlett looked to Chloe and sighed “so, what's the plan?” She asked as Chloe smiled “I'm going to do what I do best” “so, sleep your way towards the information?” Scarlett asked as Chloe shot her a glare “well yes” Scarlett said as Chloe rolled her eyes as Scarlett stood from the car and sighed “well, I guess that we have work to do, I'll meet you in the café later” Scarlett said as she got into the car and drove off.


Scarlett sat against the car as she looked to it as it broke down. She looked to it and sighed as she slammed the bonnet down and ran a hand through her hair. She was frustrated. She grabbed her phone and rang her mum and sighed “Scarlett, it's not a good time, I am busy sorting out your mess and I need the car back” Kim said at the end of the phone as Scarlett sighed “i need a piece for the car, I can sort it, please mum” Scarlett said as she heard Kim sighed at the end of the phone “no, okay, just do what I told you and your sister to do, and remember I will be watching you, I always am” Kim said as she hung up the phone as Scarlett groaned to herself as she looked to garage as Cain dingle looked watching her.

“what's wrong with you princess? Did your car breakdown and daddy won't fix it for you” he said as she looked to him and crossed over her chest and glared at him “i can fix a car by myself, I don’t need no man to do anything for me” Scarlett said as he looked to her and smirked “you can fix that, with t hose nails” he said as she looked to him and smirked “a girl can do a lot with a pair of nails, now are you going to help me by supplying the part of not, I have places to be” she said as he looked to her and smirked. Cain knew that she was different, he knew that even though he had just split with moira that there was something about Scarlett “I'll tell you what sweetheart, ill fix it for you on the house” he said as he looked to her and smirked as she nodded and handed him the keys “i didn’t catch your name” he said as she smirked and looked to him over her shoulder “its Scarlett” she said as she walked off towards the café.

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