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Scarlett groaned as she woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. She looked as Cain answered the phone and then looked to her and sighed

"don't you dare leave me in bed Cain. It isn't even eight in the morning what could possibly be that important" she asked as she turned to face him as he sat up from the bed

"scar don't be like that" he said as she looked to him and sighed "go if you want too" she said as she rolled over in bed. He looked to her and sighed as she looked to her

"don't punish me with silence" he said as she looked to him and smiled "don't leave me alone" she said as they held a look

"I am going no where I promise you" he said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her. Scarlett kissed him back and smirked into the kiss as it got more passionate.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close as the kiss got more passionate as he got between her legs. She moaned against his touch

"it's you and me no one else" Cain said as Scarlett smirked as he pulled him close, he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her    
Scarlett got to home farm and smiled as she saw Chloe, she rested a hand on her bump and smiled as Chloe looked to her

"how is you and my little piece or nephew" Chloe asked as Scarlett sat down and sighed as she put her feet up and smiled

"we're good. I mean we are tired but we are good. I just really want to make it work with Cain and I know he's hit the settling down type but I love him and I know he is a good dad and he will be there for me and the baby" Scarlett said as Chloe smiled

"you can rely on him more than I can on graham. I know he's Cain and he is up to dodgy stuff but you know what he is like before you fell in love with him and I mean it's not like our family is perfect but he will be there for you" Chloe said as Scarlett smiled

"I know I just worry I do trust and love him I just worry that I may not be enough for him" Scarlett said as she rubbed her bump as Chloe looked to her and smiled as she walked over to her sister and hugged her and smiled

"if he doesn't want you then he must be dumb, deaf and stupid" Chloe said as she hugged her and smiled

Scarlett looked as Kim walked in "I thought I gave you a home" Kim said "love you too mother. I thought you'd want to see your favourite child" Scarlett teased

"I can hear you" Chloe said from the other room. Kim walked over to where scarlett was and smiled

"are you okay" Kim asked as Scarlett smiled

"I'm good, I'm just tired that's all" Scarlett said. Scarlett knew that she was trying her hardest but she knew how scared she was to have her baby but could Scarlett make it work knowing she and Cain didn't have the most loving relationship?

Mummys little girl (Emmerdale)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu