Chapter 27

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Jack walked into class with his heart practically pounding out of his chest; he could feel Tyler's eyes on him. He sat down in his normal seat, "dude what the fuck happened back there?" Jack asked in shock, "I was scared when he came back and you were still gone, I honestly thought he might of killed you," he rambled.
Ethan smiled, "no it's fine we just needed to talk I guess."
"About what? I need to know?"
"Uh, um-well? I tell u later," He whispered.
Ethan thought to himself, 'could I really tell him? Tyler's threat sounded really serious, I could get in huge trouble while also dragging Jack into something that could hurt him; maybe I'll just lie. Yes I'll just lie.'

When class finally ended Jack and Ethan got up, "Okay jack come with me and I'll tell you in private," Ethan whispered.
jack and Ethan made there way out the class room and down the towards the bathroom to talk without anyone over hearing them, but before they could open the doors to the bathroom Ethan was pulled back by his jacket and he stumbled backwards into someone's chest. Ethan turned around to see Tyler glaring at him with an annoyed look on his face; Ethan quickly pushed himself up from Tyler's chest and straightened out his jacket, "What was that for?," Ethan questioned.
"You're coming with me," Tyler grabbed Ethan's wrist and pulled him along towards there next class; leaving Jack there speechless and confused as hell.
"Tyler what are I doing?" Ethan said with worry in this tone.
"Since you can't be trusted I guess will just have too keep an eye on you"
"Wait I wasn't even going to say anything to Jack! I was just going to lie so he'd stop asking."
"I don't believe that; you guys are so close I know you would've told him the truth," Tyler said as he gripped Ethan's wrist harder.
Before Ethan could say anything back he was face to face with Mark and the rest of Tyler's friends, "um, why are they here?" Ethan said with fear in his voice.
"I told you we will be watching you, so don't be stupid," Tyler said.
"So he's the one who you were mad at?" Mark asked.
Tyler just nodded, "Okay, are you going to tell us why he pissed you off so much?"
Tyler nodded 'no'
"Alrighty, if he gets out of line can I punch him?" Mark asked eagerly.
Ethan gasped in shock, "No, just bring him to me and I'll deal with it."
Mark sighed in frustration, "okay, fine, but I still won't play nice and neither will Bob or Wade."
Tyler just shrugged his shoulders and looked at Ethan blankly. Ethan was really starting to get upset that Tyler was treating him like this; but he had no chance to defy what they were planning because before he knew it mark was pushing him forward as we walked in the middle of all of them. He could feel everyone's eyes on him and it made Ethan so uncomfortable knowing that he was going to be stared at all day long by someone.

A few hours later:
It was finally time for lunch and Ethan couldn't wait so sit with Jack and get a break from Mark and his stupid taunting. Ethan got his tray and walked over to Jack and sat down with a huge sigh, "I've had the longest day I swear," Ethan said in exhaustion.
Jack laughed but instantly shut up when Mark and Tyler say on either side of Ethan. A few seconds later and Bob and Wade were sitting next to Jack as well, "so what's up losers?" Mark said aggressively.
"God damnit, why are you guys here?" Ethan sighed.
"I told you we were keeping an eye on your loud mouth," Tyler said bitterly.
"Okay I get that, but I figured from afar, I didn't expect for one or all of you guys to be next to me 24/7" Ethan said, "I couldn't even pee without Mark following me in there and laughing, which was way uncalled for!"
Mark shrugged and laughed at the last part.
"I swear I'm missing something here and at this point, I don't want to know what it is," Jack laughed in shock.
Ethan sighed and ate his food while Tyler and his friends talked.

After lunch Ethan three his tray away and saw Tyler leaving they lunch room by himself; so he ran up to him, "Hey, Wait!"
Tyler turned to see Ethan cutely trying to catch up to him, "what?"
"Can we please talk? We need to figure some stuff out; because I can't take another day of your goons staring at me," Ethan huffed.
Tyler rolled his eyes, "there not my goons, and finally you want to have a conversation?"
"Well, yeah? One without all of your unnecessary attitude."
Tyler crosses his arms, "fine, whatever," And then he walked away.
Ethan just stood and called, "So when do we talk!?"
But Tyler just kept on walked leaving Ethan there confused.


Oooo finally a new chapter! Still kind of short but I'm trying 🤷🏻‍♀️
I hope y'all enjoy it, but let me know if you guys want smut? Because I'm thinking of adding it later on but I want to know if you guys want it too! 😗

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