Chapter 11

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    It's was finally time for 7th period; I made my way into the boy's locker room and started undressing. I started putting on my basketball shorts on when I felt someone's eyes on me I slowly turned around just in time to see Tyler look away, and I swear I could of saw blush on his cheeks. It must just be because of all the hot air from people talking. I finished getting dressed and made my way to the bleachers.

"All right class, so I know this is gym class and all but we have to have a 2nd semester exam," The entire class erupted and groans. "But, to make it an easy assignment I want you guys to partner up- Then you and your partner will either do a written report on why it important to exercise with exercising tips or you could make a presentation/video."
 Everyone started to get up and go to their friends when are teacher stopped us, "I also forgot to mention I will be picking your partners," then the class groan in annoyance one again.
Mr. Moore started calling out the partners, almost everyone was getting partnered up with someone they knew, "Ethan Nestor you will be pared with...Tyler."
My anxiety started kicking up when he sat next to me, "Also I forgot to mention today is the only day to work on it in class, so you have to find a way to work together outside of school."
My heart started pounding; did he really say we have to work together OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL. There is absolutely no way.    

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