Chapter 21

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Ethan finally finish his shower, putting on clean cloths. Ethan skipped down the stairs notioning for Tyler to go take a shower, "I'm done. Oh! I also put a clean towel in there too," Ethan smiled. Tyler shook his head before heading up to the bathroom; after he got undress, he turned on the warm water. Tyler let out a small sigh once the warm water hit his back, letting it pour down his entire body; 'I can't believe how easily he talked me into going,' he thought to himself. As Tyler wash his hair and body he thought about how he was going to survive this outing with Ethan and Felix. For one, he got jealous whenever Felix just looked Ethan's way, but not only that he always wants to punch that flirty look off of Felix's face every time he gets near him. Hopefully, he will be able to restrain himself and just enjoy his time with Ethan.

Afew minutes passed and Tyler stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel and dragging it along his body drying himself off. He slipped on the pair of jeans he had on when he came over. Tyler sighed opening the bathroom door; letting the hot steam escape the room. He made his way down the stairs calling out ethan's name as he came down, "Yeah?" Ethan asked.

"I left my deodorant and cologne at home, do have any I could use?"
Ethan turned around, his breath hitching when he saw Tyler's damp hair clinging to his forehead, completely shirtless with water droplets falling down his toned body, and only wearing a pair of jeans; "U-uh Y-eah Um," Ethan bit his lip trying to regain focus, "There under the-um sink.." He finally choked out.
Tyler lighty laughed, "Okay thanks," he smiled.

Tyler made his way back upstairs thinking about Ethan's cute face.

Finally, after an hour of getting ready Ethan texted Felix that he was on his way; they walked out of his house and Ethan started to walk down the street when Tyler yelled at him, "where are you going?" He questioned.

"Um... I'm going to the mall; I've told you before that I don't have a car."

Tyler lightly chuckled, "Yeah, but I do."

Ethan stopped and gave him a confused look, "Oh," Ethan started to walk back, "And you've kept this from me for this long?" Ethan said jokingly.

Tyler smiled, "Well, I can only use it for important reasons," He laughed.

Tyler unlocked the door and got in while Ethan got into the passenger seat; Ethan's face lit up in 'awe' as he looked at the nice car, "Wow, just like I told Jack; I really need to get myself a driver's license," He laughed, "Because this is so nice, and fast!" he exclaimed.

Tyler laughed at him, "Yup there pretty nice."

Tyler and Ethan both put on their seat belts and drove off to the mall.

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