Chapter 2

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Once I had finally arrived to school, I got my schedule and started searching for all my classes.
All I could think about was staying low and hope no one even notices me, and I hope to god that the encounter with those guys in the bus doesn't get around.
I started making my way to my first class, 'great science for my first period' I groaned to myself.

As I'm walking I hear a crash against the lockers; I look up to see a scrawny boy with green hair being cornered against the lockers.
The boys I saw on the bus were bullying him.

They picked the green haired boy up by his shirt and slammed him against the lockers, "That's what you get for being a faggot!" The shortest guy yelled.

"S-sorry," The green haired boy sobbed.
The 4 guys stormed off and I quickly walked over the the boy on the floor and helped him pick up his items, "Are you alright?" I asked.

"uh...yeah," he whispered.
I finished picking up his books and handed them to him, "Are you sure you're ok? It looked like they slammed you up against that locker pretty hard," I questioned.

"Yeah I'm okay; thanks for helping me pick up my stuff- What's your name?" He asked.

"Ah! my name is Ethan, What's your name?"
"Sean, but most people call me Jack"
"Nice to meet you Jack, what class do you have now?" I asked.

"I have science; my favorite," he said sarcastically.
"Oh! me too, what teacher do you have?"

"Ms. Miller."

"Me too!" I said excitedly.
"Well we better get going or we're going to be late! You can follow me, I'm assuming you don't know where her class is?"Jack asked.
I breathed a sigh of fresh air, "no not at all!"
"Well then come on!," jack said as he hurried down the hallway.

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