Chapter 20

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Ethan took a deep breath trying to wrap his mind around what he just said, 'I like Tyler.' Ethan groaned and rolled onto his stomach, He grabbed a pillow and smothered his face into it as He tried to get the though out of his head. 'I'm not even gay, so there is no way Id actually like Tyler? It's just because Jack put that stupid though in my head... Yep that's it... That has to be it,' Ethan thought.

The next morning Tyler came around 12:00 so we could start working more on the video. Ethan asked Tyler if we should do a few more group exercises before we went to single person exercises, and he agreed. This time Tyler asked if we could do it outside, "Yeah sure, no one should be able to see us out there anyway with are fence," I added.

"Hey, lets do squats but with the rotational pass," Tyler said.

I internally groaned at the thought of doing something like that, "Yeah sure that sounds good," Ethan reluctantly agreed. Tyler went into the bathroom to change; thankfully this time I got dressed before he showed up. A few minutes passed and Tyler came out dressed in baggy sweatpants and a skin tight t-shirt. Ethan's eyes scanned Tyler's body; biting his lip as he fantasized about touching Tyler's muscles. Ethan quickly turned his body around as he felt his face heat up with embarrassment. Ethan was slightly mortified that he practacly just drooled over Tyler's body, "hey, you ready to go?" Tyler questioned.

Ethan quickly pulled himself together the best he could, "O-oh y-yeah, just let me grab the camera," Ethan said quickly. 

Tyler just nodded, "K, well I'll be waiting outside."

Ethan nodded as he scurried up to his bedroom. Once he reached his room he closed  the door and let out a shaky breath, 'shit' he muttered to himself. As he grabbed the equipment he tried to shake off the strange feeling he felt in the pit of his stomach. Ethan slowly made his way outside, but while he was going down the deck stairs he slipped and started to fall down. Ethan shut his eyes making a squeaking noise as he waited for the impact of the ground, but instead he felt warm arms wrap around him. Ethan slowly opened up his eyes only to be meet with Tyler's sparkling blue eyes. His heart started to beat faster as he felt Tyler's hands on his lower back and around his shoulders, "Are you okay?" Tyler asked with concern written all over his face.
Ethan's face became flushed, "Y-Yes, Sorry," He squeaked out.

Tyler laughed as he helped Ethan up, "No need to apologize, I'm just glad I was able to catch you in time."
"Well, thanks anyway," Ethan said with a flustered smile.

Ethan walked away from Tyler as he went and set up the camera; as his back was turned to Tyler he could feel his eyes burning into the back of his head. Ethan squirmed under Tyler's gaze, his body getting hot; and it surely wasn't from the sun, "O-okay, I-I'm done," Ethan said before turning around; seeing Tyler quickly look away from him. He walked towards Tyler, "Alright grab the ball and lets get into position," Ethan said.
Tyler's eyes got big, "What?" He questioned.
Ethan looked up at him with a cute confused expression, "I thought we were doing the rotational passes?"

Tyler's face relaxed, "Oh yeah, I'll go get it."
Once Tyler came back they stood back-to-back as Ethan started to count down to zero, "3... 2... 1... Start," Once said they both squatted down Tyler rotated the ball over to Ethan who rotated it back; they kept doing this for 10 more seconds before stopping. Ethan let out a long shaky groan as he rubbed his calves, "Dang that shit burns," he said as he pouted.
Tyler just smirked at him, "Well then let's just do some easier ones. How about doing jumping jacks next?"  Tyler questioned.

Ethan let out a sigh of relief, "Thank the lord! I thought I was going to pass out with that one."

For the next hour they did some small exercises. Tyler walked inside first carrying the camera, as Ethan followed behind him out of breath and slightly limping, "I-I don't think I can make it, I'm going to pass out," Ethan said dramatically while 'wiping off' a fake bead of sweat.
Tyler sighed, "Stop being dramatic."

"I am not! I'm being serious! Now pass me some water please."

Tyler threw him a cold bottle of water out of the fridge as he opened his. Before Ethan could drown his sorrows in the cold liquid his phone started ringing. He pulled it out of his pocket to see the caller I.D was no other than Felix; Ethan let out a low groan before answering it, "Hey, what do you want?"
Tyler look at him confusingly, "Who are you talking too?" But instead of getting an answer Ethan just waved at him to shoosh. Tyler just put his hands up defensively as he went back to chugging his water.
"I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out at the mall," Felix asked.
Ethan tugged at his lip considering his options, "I mean... I'm not sure."

Felix goaned, "Why not? it's almost two, there is no way Tyler is still there."
"He is but I'm not sure for how long, that's why I'm not sure.."

Tyler's head shot up knowing that they had to be talking about him. "Well can't you join me after he leaves?," Felix begged.
"Well I guess there's nothing wrong with that...," Ethan said begrudgingly.
Felix perked up, "Well then text me when he's gone, okay?"
Ethan's face looked slightly stressed, "Fine, but I'm going to invite Jack."
"Ugh, why?" Felix groaned.
Ethan's brows furrowed as he tried to think, "Because I like hanging out in groups."

"Fine, fine see you then," Felix hung up after.

Tyler quickly asked Ethan what was going on before he could change the subject; curiosity getting the better of him. "Oh nothing, just that now I have to hang out with Felix," Tyler's blue eyes lit with rage as he scrunched his hand into a fist, "But thankfully I was able to talk him into letting me invite Jack," Ethan added.

Tyler slightly settled his anger, "Oh I see," He said as he went to take the last gulp of water; but before he could swallow Ethan muttered the words 'shit' as he tossed his phone on the couch. "Nevermind, Jack can't make it," Ethan bit his lip trying to think of anyway to get out of this situation, until it dawned on him, "Wait! can you go with me?" Ethan questioned as he walked over to Tyler. "Uh, I'm not sure..." Tyler started to say, but Ethan gave him the most heartbroken eyes he could muster up, "...You know what, I guess I can go," Tyler stated.Ethan's face lit up, "Oh thank the lord!" He breathed, "I'm going to go take a quick shower; If you want you can take one after me before we go," he asked.
Tyler nodded, "Yeah I will."
Ethan smiled sweetly at him as he ran up the stairs to turn the shower on.

"Damn," Tyler breathed out, "He's going to be the death of me."


For all of your guys patience I stayed up and wrote you guys a fairly long chapter!!! I hope you all enjoy it! <33

Bully -TythanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ