Chapter 24

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We all walked over to the food court and we all decided to get food from the same burger place. Ethan ordered first, "Um, can I have a double cheeseburger meal; but with a milkshake instead of a soda," Ethan said confidently.
Tyler ordered the same thing but as a plain burger, while Felix order a triple cheeseburger meal. They all sat down at a table and started eating. "So Ethan, babe, how are you likening school so far? I know it's already been about 2 months since you got here but we never really get to talk," Felix said.
"Um, I mean it's alright I guess. It's just been hard trying to adjust to new surroundings." Ethan smiled.
"That's good to hear, This meat head and his friends haven't been giving you too much trouble have they?" Felix chuckled, "They can be ruthless at times."
Tyler gave Felix a death glare, "well I mean, I don't know," Ethan said while he squirmed uncontrollably in his seat.
Felix smirked and went to go grab his soda and 'accidentally' spilled Tyler's milkshake on himself. Tyler bursted up from his seat letting the spilled shake dribble down his clothes; "Oops, my bad! My hand hit it!" Felix said dramatically.
Ethan gasped, "Oh my god, I'll go grab some more napkins!"
He got up and sprinted towards the closest food place.
Tyler went to grab the few left over napkins from there meal when they were snatched up by Felix's grabby little hands.
"You should really leave my man alone, you know" Felix said.
"What the hell are you talking about? Just hand me the damn napkins before this shit gets my chest all sticky." Tyler said with anger seething through his teeth.
"Fine," Felix threw the napkins at Tyler's shirt.
"What the hell is your problem?" Tyler said as he tried to get the milkshake out of his shirt and pants.
"You are! Ethan spends every second with you and it pisses me off because he's far to good to be with you," Felix scoffed.
Tyler's eyes lit with fire, "you know wha-" Tyler was then cut off, "Here are some more napkins, do you need help cleaning off in the bathroom?" Ethan asked.
"No! No, he'll be just fine," Felix said.
"Oh, okay well I'll be here waiting when you're done."
Tyler gave Ethan a nod before storming off.
"Hey lets get out of here and go to another store?" Said Felix.
"But what about Tyler? We should wait for him."
"He'll be fine! He can meet up with us when he's done."
"I don't know, that sounds mean."
"It's fine just text him we're we are!"
"I gue-" Ethan was cut off by Felix grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

They walked around for about an hour, Felix pushing Ethan to join him in each store. They stopped at a clothing shop and Felix was in the dressing rooms trying on some t-shirts, "So how do I look?" Felix said as he opened the curtain.
"Um, good."
"Yeah? I think I'm going to buy this then, just because I know you like it," Felix said as he winked at me.
"Hey Felix, I think we should head back now, I don't have Tyler's number and I'm feeling pretty guilty over not waiting there for him." Ethan said with slight desperation in his voice.
"Yeah I guess, I just have one question for you," he took a deep breath, "what do you see in him?"
Ethan stares at him blankly, the shock settling in, "W-What do you... What do you mean?" Ethan stuttered.
"I can tell you have a thing for Tyler, but why? What does he have that I don't?" Felix grabbed Ethan by the collar and pulled him into the dressing room; closing the curtain behind him. He put his face next to Ethan's, "Tell me, am I not good enough or something?" Felix said seductively.
Ethan's face turned twelve shades of red and his body started to tremble, "I-I don't know w-what you, you mean."
Felix sighed, "Yeah sure you don't," he pulled himself away from Ethan, "Just so you know I'm not the type to give up easily."
He pulled off his shirt and changed into the one he was previously wearing, "I'll meet you outside the store then," Felix said as he walked away to make his purchase; leaving Ethan there a red trembling mess of hormones.


Thanks for all of the feedback on the cover! You guys were so nice!
So I made a slightly longer chapter this time, I mean I guess it's longer?

Bully -Tythanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें