Chapter 25

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Ethan caught his composure and stepped outside of the dressing room, He saw Felix halfway out the door so he proceeded to follow him. Ethan caught up to him and followed behind him. They walked in silence until Felix broke the tension, "Hey, sorry if I went a little to far back there; It's just hearing you care so much about Tyler lights a fire in me for some reason."
Ethan scratched his neck awkwardly, "Well I'm not sure why, because I'm not into Tyler; and Tyler is not into me," Ethan said with slight confidence.
Felix stopped and turned around to face Ethan, "See I know that's a lie," he slightly bent down to be face to face with Ethan, lightly grabbing Ethan's face, "And it makes me want you even more."
Ethan turned bright red as Felix let go and started to walk away again, "But I will tell you one thing Ethan, I love a challenge and I won't stop trying," Felix smiled.

They continued to walk until they got back to the food court and found Tyler throwing his milkshake covered napkins away, "Oh there you are! I'm sorry we left!" Ethan said.
"Yeah my bad I talked him into walking with me," Felix said with a roll of his eyes.
Tyler shrugged his shoulder, and acted like he didn't even care. Felix saw Tyler's keys on the table and grabbed them, "What are you doing?," Tyler asked with a hint of anger in his tone.
Felix threw it to Ethan, "Hey go ahead out and will meet you out there, I want a good night kiss," Felix said with a wink.
Ethan caught them, "Um, okay?" He said awkwardly.
Ethan made his way towards the exit leaving them by themselves.
"What the hell do you think your doing?" Tyler said as hate boiled through him.
"Me? Oh I don't know! Maybe actually trying to get the guy?"
"What?" Tyler said.
"I'm some how the only one really trying to get Ethan and yet somehow I'm still getting the short end of the stick! It makes no sense!" Felix ranted, "But yet your in his sights but you just won't make a damn move! You're an idiot really."
Tyler stood there shocked, "I don't know wh-," he was cut off, "Don't you dare say it! I'm just trying to tell you, if you don't step up your shit I'm going to replace you, because I'm not going to quit on him." Felix ranted.
Tyler stood there unable to speak or move. Felix sighed in frustration, "Plus don't be mad at him for ditching you today because it was all on me, I just wanted some alone time with him."
"Yeah, okay."
Felix rolled his eyes and started to walk away, "Well you better hurry up or I'll get even more alone time with him put in the parking lot," Felix laughed.
Tyler snapped out of it and caught up to Felix.

They met Ethan outside, "So can I get my good bye kiss?" Felix asked cheekily.
Ethan laughed nervously, "How about a good bye hug?"
Felix shrugged, "I'll take what I can get," he grabbed Ethan and pulled him into a deep hug. They pulled away saying goodbye to each other, "I'll see you at school! Bye!"
Tyler and Ethan got into the car and drove off.

When Tyler finally got back to Ethan's place it was pushing 8:00, "Thanks for dropping me off, sorry about today." Ethan said.
"It's fine, let me walk you to your door."
Ethan gave a slight nod as they both unlocked there doors. They made there way out of the car and up the stairs to Ethan's front door, "But I am still sorry about today, I wish there was a way to make it up to you."
Tyler shook his head, "It's fine," he stood there for a bit staring at Ethan, "Actually Felix said something to me today."
"Yeah... Never mind it was stupid," Tyler said quickly.
"Oh... I thought you were going to say something about how he told me he'd never give up trying to be with me," Ethan said with a nervous laughter.
"Wait he said that to you?"
"Yeah when we were in the dressing room together."
Tyler stood there thinking, "Together? Why were you in there together?" He questioned.
Ethan bit his lip, "Well, I don't know... it's weird-," he was cut off by Tyler, "Just tell me."
"He got I don't know? Upset? I guess... and kinda pulled me into the dressing room, and got all up in my space. He was being really flirty," Ethan laughed.
Tyler was ignited with anger, "Okay, and you were okay with it?" He growled.
"I mean, I'm not sure. Not really?"
Tyler got closer to Ethan, closing him against the door and his body, "So is anyone allowed to be this close to you? Or is it just Felix?"
You could practically hear the venom in his voice. "N-no"
"No what?" Tyler said wickedly, inching his body closer to Ethan's.
"I-I don't know..." Ethan said as he looked up at Tyler with big doughy eyes.
Tyler mover closer grabbing Ethan's face with his hand pulling him into a kiss. His hand traveled down Ethan's body stopping at his hips as he pulled Ethan closer, closing the already small gap between them. There lips Intertwined so perfectly causing Ethan to slightly moan into Tyler's mouth. That added light to Tyler's flame. He grabbed Ethan's hair slightly pulling on it causing him to gasp leaving room for Tyler to slide in his tongue. Ethan slightly pushed Tyler away trying to get some air, "damn you're cute," Tyler said breathlessly.
There heavy breathing was all you could hear until Ethan popped open his door, "Bye see you later," was all he said before slamming the door shut; leaving Tyler there with his emotions running high.


Quick question, what type of POV do you guys like it in? Originally I had it in Ethan's until I decided to change it into 3rd, but which do you prefer?

PLUS FINALLY A KISS!!!! & I think this song goes with the story, or maybe I just like the song idk 😂😭

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