Chapter 23

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Brianna's POV

"Bri come here." Bella said opening her arms as I came in. Right when I think I'm good something else comes up and pushes me off.

I went into her embrace. So I went to get groceries, and I was walking when I saw a magazine of Harry and I. We were at the carnival for our date. I opened it up and had a whole article about Harry and I being the newest and hottest couple. I still think that if I never went to the concert then I would still be with him, the person who lied to me, and I don't think he would've told me. I hugged Bella. A few tears fell down my cheeks again.

"Bri it's fine don't cry, it's fine." Bella comforted me.

"You know what it doesn't matter." I wiped my tears and went in my room and locked the door. I sat on my bed and took out my laptop. I went on Twitter and saw I had a lot of followers and tweets.

I tweeted a photo of Harry and I on the night of the dinner party. I looked at the comments some were really sweet but others wanted me to die. I opened another tab and went on YouTube. I searched up One Direction and things came up like One Direction Video Dairies and there was How One Direction came to be. I clicked on the second one. So One Direction was formed on X-factor. I saw there video dairies and saw myself laughing because of Louis. And then I saw there music videos. And they had hundreds of millions views. I saw Best Song Ever Leeroy, Marcel, Zayn the girl and Niall, Louis the old people. I knew the songs One Thing, What Makes You Beautiful, and Story of my life. but the others were catchy like You and I, Little Things, and Gotta Be You. I learned that Liam was Daddy Direction, I'm not surprised, that Louis likes Carrots, Niall like Nandos, and Zayn is a prettier girl then me. The thing is that Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall don't act like they are millionaires at all. I mean they are like 5 yr olds.

"Bri!!" Someone hit my door. I shut my laptop and put under my bed.

"Who is it?"

"Me come eat! Connor told you haven't eatin a meal since Wendseday and its Friday."

"I'm not hungry!" I yelled. I don't want to eat.

"Bri let me the hell in." I walked to the door. She grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living.

"Bri you look like your dying." Kristy said with sympathy. "Eat! We ordered Chinese your favorite." Bella gave me a plate with Chinese rice, chicken, and noodles. "If you don't I will shove it down your throat." I rolled my eyes. I took a bite. I guess I was hungry because I finished my huge plate.

°Skipping to Saturday°

"What time is the party." I asked.

"7:00pm!" Kristy yelled back.

"Is it casual or like short tight dress and drinking?" I asked.

"Casual." Bella answered.

"You know Harry is going to be there." I nodded. And went to take a shower. I came out feeling sassy. I am going to show Harry that he should be sorry and that he should never lie to me again. I toke out high waisted booty shorts and a spaghetti striped floral printed crop top, and I paired a white cardigan with it. I toke out my curling iron. I curled my hair and French braided it back from both sides. I put concealer under my eyes and put eyeliner on with mascara, I put on some blush so I look alive, and I put on a coraly pink lipstick.

"There's the Brianna we know and love." Kristy grinned.

"I see what you are doing and you go girl." Bella smiled giving me a thumbs up. They were ready so we put on our shoes. I put on leather ankle boots. The party was at their house. We parked the car and there were a few cars parked.

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