Chapter Two

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I pulled into the parking lot and luckily I found a parking spot right in front of the college library. The man outside asked me for my ID. I showed him my ID and he let me in. I sat down at a rectangle table and took out my books and started reviewing. And I heard someone sit next to me. I turned to his face and I don't think i have seen him around college before. but it would be really late to come sense there is only about a two months of college left. He had curly hair, bright, beautiful, olive green eyes, and perfect pink lips. I must say he is really cute. His hair was in some sort of a quiff.

"Hi I don't think I have seen you around. I'm Brianna Wilson."

"Ya I'm new. My name is Harry, Harry Styles. Nice to meet you. And are you sure you haven't seen me around, anywhere?" Harry replied in his British accent.

"No is don't think I have, sorry am I supposed to know who you are?" I asked

"No no I just thought maybe you have seen me somewhere but if you haven't that's cool too." I feel kind of embarrassed. Am I supposed to know who you are or something. I feel really stupid.

"No I haven't sorry. What's your first class? I could help you around if you would like."

"Ya that would be great, thank you. Uumm I think my first class is . . . umm let me see. Ohh ya it's English, Miss. Henson."

"That's where i'm going too, you could just follow me. We should be going right about now. It's a nice walk from here." I gathered my stuff and got up. Harry also got up and I just realised how tall he is he like piles over me. I mean my height is like 5feet 6inches, but he looks like he is like 5'11 or even 6 feet.

We started walking out the library and heading for english. We entered the Miss.Henson's room. The room was pretty empty. It got me wondering where Bella and Kristy are, they should be here.

"I'm going to take my seat. you should go talk to the teacher and tell her that your new"

"Yeah your probably right." Harry said and right after he grabbed my hand "And thank you, Brianna I really appreciate it." He let go of my hand and I gave him a small smile. And in return I got a wink. I started to feel butterflies in my stomach. I ignored the butterflies and sat in the second row of the class. I saw Harry talking to the teacher and I noticed that he is really hot. I mean his green eyes are just so-

"Hey Bri who are you admiring?" Kristy said chuckling. My cheeks started to heat up.

"Yeah Brianna are you crushing on the new kid?" Bella questioning

"No no! Stop it's nothing we just bumped into each at the library and I walked him here."

"Yeah sure, Bri. I don't blame you he is pretty hot." Kristy said. Kristy is sitting next to on one side and Bella is sitting next to Kristy. I hit Kristy on the arm.

"OOWW" The class is almost full. I see Harry walking to me. I start getting butterflies in my stomach again.

"Hey Brianna do you mind if I sit next to you?" Harry asked. Yea you could sit. Your so hot. I probably shouldn't say that I will probably scare him so I will act like I don't like him. Not that I do. I just don't now yet. Yeah I think that will work. Cause don't guys like it when girls play hard to get? I think they do I mean that's what I have heard.

"Umm I don't think that's a good idea. Yeah whatever you could sit." I tried to acted cool but i bet I was blushing.

"Okay . . . thanks?"

"No problem"

"Okay class settle down." Miss. Henson said. The whole auditorium went silent.

. . .

Bella, Kristy and I were heading out the door when someone grabbed my hand. I turned around to see Harry.

"Umm Brianna can you help me to my next class it's Science?" Harry asked.

"I'm actually not sure where that is."

"But I'm going there I can take you." Kristy answered. Oh my God I forgot to introduce everyone.

"Yeah that would be great but you are." Harry had a confused expression.

"O Harry this is Bella and this is Kristy, Kristy and Bella this is Harry."

"I already know who you are, Bri was talking about you inside." Kristy said with a smirk and Bella started laughing lightly. I'm going to kill Kristy!

"What she means is that I told them that we bumped into each other and i just walked you here, right Bella?"

"Ya" Bella said, thankfully.

"No I don't think that's what I mean't." Kristy said with a bigger smirk.

"Okay, well Bella and I need to go to class. Kristy will take you to science." I answered rushing.

"Bye Brianna, see you later." He said smirking. And he winked at me again. I don't think I was supposed to see that oh well I did. I didn't even say bye I just ran with Bella.

Kristy's POV

"So Brianna." Harry said.

"Yeah what about her, do you like her?" I asked smirking

"It's not like that I just maybe I don't know she's cute." Harry said his cheeks turning red.

"Am I supposed to keep this a secret cause I probably won't." I replied.

. . .

Do you guys like the story yet? I hope you do! I will try to update when ever I can. Sorry if these chapters are short I will try to make them longer. Forgive me? Please

Management  •Harry Styles• •Phoebe Tonkin•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora