Chapter 16

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   Brianna's POV

   I woke up today excited. It's finally Friday. My parents and Ryan flew in last night. I haven't seen them yet but I can't wait.The dinner party is at 6:30, 7:00. I put on a black net shirt with a blue tank top underneath and some bleached skinny jeans. I just put on some mascara and eyeliner. Because I need to get ready later. I ate with Bella and Kristy. I put on some converse, and left.

. . . .

   Harry's POV

  I saw Brianna in English and she looked so hot. Her jeans hugged her chunky thighs, and her ass. She was wearing jeans and looked so beautiful. I mean she did nothing to look beautiful yet she did. I bet she could wear an elephant suit and still look hot. I just wish she would let me kiss her. I think she likes me, I just don't know why she won't let me kiss her. Hopefully she likes me as much I like her. But I don't think it's possible for someone to like someone as much as I like her. I don't want to say it but she is all I think about. From the first day that I saw her in the library I couldn't get my eyes of her. And no not in that way you perverts. I just couldn't get it in my mind that someone could be so perfect. Her smile could light up the world, and her eyes are mysterious. Just thinking about her makes me smile.


I came from college nothing much happened I told Harry what time he will need to pick us up and when he should be ready by. I just came out of the shower. I put on sweat pants and a sweat shirt. I didn't put on any makeup because I will need to do it later.

  "Guys I'm going to get my eyebrows, and legs waxed any one wanna join?" I smiled at Kristy and Bella.

  "I have nothing better to do so yea whatever." Kristy said

  "Yeah I will come to." Bella answered.

  "I don't want to drive so one you is driving." I said.

  "I will-"

  "No I will drive!" Kristy playfully glared at Bella. We got in the car and drove to any salon. There are salons in like any corner of New York.

. . . .

  I told Harry what time to pick us up. Kristy and Bella told Liam and Niall what time to be ready. And I invited Zayn and Louis but they were too tired. It's 4:45 and we all have taken showers. Kristy and Bella and I bought these little clutches at Century 21 for like $10. Right Know all of us are in my room since I have all the makeup. Bella tells me to keep her makeup in my room so I have it in my room and Kristy only puts on eyeliner and mascara. We put on our dresses. And mine was really long it was kind of hard to handle but whatever. I always put on my clothes and then do my makeup and hair.

  "Kristy can I please put some eye shadow on you." I asked. Bella is doing her own make up.

  "Fine but if you make me look like a raccoon. I willl kill you." She emphasized the 'will'

  "I won't." I laughed. I put on grey eyeshadow on her fading in to black and then I put on some glitter on her. I just did a silver simple smokey eye. I put on some like pink coral color on my lips. I made Kristy put on some red lipstick and it looked so good on her. Bella did a nude/peach smokey eye and put on some pink lipstick. I curled my hair so it was lose curls. Kristy just fixed the front of her hair and the top since it was already curly. Bella had beachy waves. It's 6:32 and we are finally dressed I put on my heels and Kristy and Bella put on there's. I heard the door bell ring.

  Liam's POV

Harry, Niall and I are going to get Bella, Brianna, and Kristy surprisingly. I never new they were a 'thing'. We got into a limo and the driver started to drive. We finally got there and I couldn't wait to see how beautiful Bella looked. I mean she always looks beautiful but    you now what I mean. We got out of the cars and started walking up the drive way. Harry was in front of Niall and I. Harry rang the doorbell. The door finally opened to Brianna smiling.

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