Chapter 18

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Guys this is the story College Girls I just changed the cover and Title. Hope you guys like the cover. And enjoy the chapter!!!

Harry's POV

I really don't like that Connor kid. I could tell in his eyes that he has feelings for Brianna. Speaking of Brianna where did she go?

"Guys I will be right back." I said to Niall and Liam. I walked away no one is really here yet because we are setting everything up. I start walking and see her talking to Connor. I slightly glared at him from far away. Brianna is wearing a reddish flannel with a navy blue bikini top and some like white or light blue bleached jean shorts that are really short. And I don't like her wearing that in front of that Connor guy. I walked up behind her and take her little hand into my larger one. She looked up at me with a smile.

"Connor and I were just setting up the plates for the pizza." She smiled.

"Oh hey Connor." I fake smiled.

"Hi." He cheerfully said. Why is he so happy all the time? He needs to calm the hell down.

. . . .


"Brianna don't kill me but can you please go with my little sister to a concert. I can't go I'm busy." Madison said with hope.

"Why can't she go by herself?" I asked I do not want to go to a concert.

"She's only 13 shes to small." She replied.

"What about your mom?" I asked.

"Nope she has this huge meeting and if she doesn't go she will lose her job."


"Nope he is driving out of town. Pleaseeee!?" She begged.

"Fine but you owe me. Who's concert?" I asked.

"I don't know it's a band with like 4 guys or something and I have a ticket so you don't need to pay." Madison replied.

"Oh okay and when?"


"Brianna, Madison!" Ryan called. He was so surprised and happy, thank God.

"Coming." We both ran over to them even though it was hard because of the sand. Harry, Liam, Louis, Zayn, Niall, Connor and Kristy and Bella were there. My mom and dad are just sitting and enjoying the weather.

"Wanna play beach volleyball?"

"Yeah sure." I look over to Madison and she nods. We walked over to the spot where they had the nets.

"Okay Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Bella on my team and Liam, Louis, Connor, Madison, Kristy and Brianna on the other." Ryan said. We all switched sides and separated in to spots I was in the back. Ryan started the game with the first serve. Connor hit the ball since he was in the front. Harry hit the ball back. Kristy dove in and hit the ball and they missed the ball.

"1-0!" I yelled smiling to Harry. He looked at me with a grinny smirk.

"Okay we serve, pass the ball." Liam said. Liam served the ball and Bella hit it. The ball was coming towards me as and was coming fast. I froze in place and shut my eyes. I waited for the ball to hit me but it never did. I slowly opened my eyes and Connor was smiling at me.

"I hit the ball before it could hit you." He grinned.

"Thanks Connor!" I hugged him.

Harry's POV

What the hell does Connor think he is doing?! If he is trying to steal my girl, I will no doubt without a hesitation go punch him in the face. Like why did he have to save her from that serve and why did he have to hug her. She's mine, and only mine!

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