Chapter Thirteen

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  I just woke up. I look at my phone and it says 8:27 I get up to go and take a shower. I got out of the shower and put on a black crop top that came a little above the belly button and a black skater skirt which came a little below the belly button. I put on some mascara and eyeliner. I don't now why I am getting ready because it's Sunday but I feel like it. It's 9:10 I go to the kitchen and make eggs and toast. Bella was sitting at the table eating cereal.

  "KRISTY WAKE UP I will make you some eggs and toast! Bell if you want any I can make it for you too."

  "No I'm good thanks tho." Bella said from the table.

  "What I'm up I'm up......not. But yeah I want eggs." Kristy said she sounded drunk. I chuckled. The best way to wake up Kristy is food.

   "Okay." I said. I made her and I some eggs and toast.

   "Umm why are you dressed up?" Kristy said in her half a sleep voice.

  "I really don't know. I might go get my dress with Harry so yeah."

  "But I thought you were going with me?" Bella said frowning. We are all sitting on the small table.

  "I will still go with you guys I just won't buy a dress." I stated smiling.

"Yeah I guess so." Bella said shrugging her shoulders.

  "Kristy I will go with you too." I smiled. Eating the last bit of eggs and toast.

  "Yeah."  She said giving me a weak smile.

  "So Kristy where were you yesterday?" Bella grinned.

  "Nowhere." Kristy chuckled.

  "Then why we're you lips pink and swollen and why were you smiling like crazy and why were you wearing wedges and a dress?" I smirked. Her cheeks turned pink.

  "OH MY GOD THIS GUY MAKES YOU BLUSH!!!!!!" "WE HAVE TO MEET HIM!!" Bella and I said together.

  "You guys are annoying." She said trying to get angry but smiled instead. I texted Harry.

  'Um Harry what time should we go shopping for my dress and your tux?'

'Is 3:00 okay because I'm free the whole day so we could go when ever' I smiled he is so sweet.

  'Yeah 3 is fine and I am free the whole day to"

  'Good do you wanna hang out for the rest of the day?'

  'Yeah sure' I replied.

  'I should pick you up right.'

  'Yeah:)' I replied

  'Bye see you soon<3' I shut off my phone and put it in my lap. I can't stop smiling.

. . . .

  It's about 2:30ish when I hear Kristy scream.

  "Guys I'm leaving!!"

  "What where are you-" I said going to the living room to see. She has her hair in a messy bun and a crop top on and had her bathing suit on with her short shorts which I was guess had her bathing suit bottom underneath it. She was putting on flip flops.

  "I'm going somewhere bye Bell and Bri." She came over and actually hugged us. She never hugs us she not the type of person to comfort somebody. Me and Bella looked at each other with confusion but then smirked.

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