Chapter 20

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Brianna's POV

I heard all the girls yell and I heard a familiar British accent. I looked up on stage, my heart stopped, I covered my mouth in shock, tears streamed down my face,

Harry was standing on stage with Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Niall. Liam was talking towards the stadium. The stadium cheered for them as so did Alison while a few tears slipped from my eyes and down my cheeks.

"Our first song is Story Of My Life." Harry smiled at the stadium full with people which got louder. They started to sing and this song is the one I was singing in Harry's freakin car. I can't believe I didn't notice the resembleness in their voices. Harry didn't even bother telling me?! Harry ran to the right of the stage where I was. He looked into the crowd and waved to some people he looked around the crowd to Alison, he smiled at her and she screamed. Then his eyes traveled to me. A tear slipped down my cheek. We made eye contact and his face in shock, he dropped the microphone the whole stadium went quite wondering why Harry had stopped singing. I turned around and started running towards the exit, tears streaming down my face.

"BRIANNA!!" He yelled his voice far away.

"Brianna!!" He yelled. His voice a little closer which made me run even more. I ran into a little building outside of the stadium.

"Brianna!" His voice behind me.

Harry's POV

I smiled to this little brown haired girl with big blue eyes. She yelled in response, which made me smile. My eyes traveled and landed on Brianna, yes Brianna tears in her eyes. I looked into her eyes and they were filled with sadness, betral, shock, she just looked broken. I being in shock that she was even here dropped my microphone. The whole stadium went silent. The boys looked at me with confusion. I looked down at my microphone and back up and saw Brianna running.

"BRIANNA!" I yelled jumping off the stage and running towards her. I saw her wipe her eyes.

"Brianna!!" I yelled again closer to her. No response.

"Brianna!" I yelled behind her. Again no response.

Brianna's POV

I ran around the corner and saw that there was no where to go.

"Brianna wait." Harry sighed breathing heavy from running.

"What?!" I turned around to see Harry really close. Another tear slipped down my cheek. Harry's eyes full of sadness. He took another step closer to me and cupped my cheek.

"Don't cry." His voice came out as a loud whisper. He wiped away my tears. I could feel his minty breathe in my face. I laced my fingers threw his and threw his hand down, away from my face.

"Then what do you want me to do Harry?! Do want me to jump with joy that you kept this huge secret from me. That my boyfriend kept half of his life a secret. Do you want me to be glad that you lied to me?! Do you want that?" I asked looking into his eyes. My voice cracking from crying. He looked down at me, his eyes full with guilt.

"I was going to tell you-" He tried to explain.

"But you didn't! You didn't Harry! I bet your fans know more about you then I do." I said my voice cracking and tears streaming down my face.

"No no don't say that you know way more then they do." He said trying to reach for my hand but I pulled away.

"But see Harry they new that you were in a very very big band and I, your own girlfriend didn't know that."

"I was going to tell you I just didn't know how and when to."

"I came here with my friends little sister that was going to a concert, because my friend couldn't. I thought I would be seeing this crapy, cheesy band but instead I see you standing there singing a song that I sang in front of you, a song that I love. And you didn't even think of telling me. I thought that I could trust you and that we were perfect together, but you forgot to tell me that you were in a pop band."

"But why Brianna? Would it make a difference? Would it make you treat me differently?" His tone getting louder.

"No! But it would be some nice information to know!" I spat glaring at him and walking past him. He grabbed my wrist. I look into his eyes with disgust. I shook out of his hold. And left Harry, I heard him mumble something but I didn't catch it. I ran into my car and went to the only person I thought I could trust and that wouldn't ask questions. Connor.

Niall's POV

"Brianna!" He yelled. I looked where his gaze was and my mouth flew open. What is she doing here? Liam, Zayn, and Louis gave him weird look. He yelled again and ran off the stage. Thank god the security blocked the way so the fans didn't chase him. I saw Brianna exit the stadium.

"Liam, Liam." I hit his arm. "Look Brianna was in the crowd. And Harry hadn't told her about 'One Direction'. Zayn and Louis heard me and their eyes full of concern for Harry. I feel so bad.

"Oh poor Hazza." Liam said. "Should I go help." He started to walk but Louis put his arm in front of him.

"No, mate it's his problem. She would have found out anyway." Zayn said. Liam stopped and turned to he crowd that was in confusion.

"Loves there is a little delay. Something accured and Harry was needed." Liam frowned towards the crowd.

"Yeah umm we might need to make this concert another day." Louis said.

Harry's POV

"No! But it would be some nice information to know!" She glared at me. She started walking I did the only thing I could to stop her, I grabbed her wrist. She looked at me with disgust, which broke my heart over and over again. She shook out of my hold and left.

"But I love you." I said. She was to far away to hear it. I really messed up. I should've told her. I kicked the trash can that was by me. I really fucking messed up. Ugh I wish I had told her, I really wish I did. This is terrible. I didn't know it would turn this bad. She looked like she hated me. The look in her eyes told me that she never wants to talk to me again. I didn't even realize when a tear slipped down my cheek.

. . . . .

I'm being really evil. Sorry but I LOVE YOU! AND AHHH HE SAID I LOVE YOU <3 :') ~ narrylover

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