Chapter Four

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I finally got out of work. It's now 5:45 and I need to meet Harry at 6:30 at the Great Cafe. And it's not like I'm embarrassed of our apartment. I'm not, I just don't want Harry to know where I live. I mean I just met him today. I go to the bathroom and wash the makeup off of my face and head to my room. I wanna change into something more comfortable, so I look threw my closet and take out some black high waisted shorts and a pink crop top. You must think I love high waisted stuff, I do love them but it also boosts my confidence. So I put my clothes on, I didn't realize how short these shorts are but whatever. They kinda show of my bum, but oh well. I head to my dresser. I put some mascara and a lip tint on. I leave my hair open because l'm too lazy to do anything to it. It's 6:10 so I put my converse on.

"Guys I'm leaving again."

"Kay bye Bri you better come home." Kristy said.

"Obviously. Bye Bella."

"Bye Bri."

"Bye!" I grab my bag and head out the door. The Great Cafe isn't that far away from the aparment so I'm just going to walk.

. .

Bri's POV

I sit on one of the benches. And go on my phone, it's about 6:25. He should be here any min.

. . .

I was to busy on my phone that I didn't hear anyone sit next to me.

"Hey, watcha doin on that." Harry said sitting next to me. He kind of scared me.

"Oh nothing, c'mon lets go." I said rushingly. Standing with my bag on my shoulder.

"Oh okay but I was wondering if you wanted to eat anything? I'm really hungry."

"But I didn't bring any money."

"Oh don't worry about it. I'll pay. It's not a big deal."

"I can't let you do that. I mean I just met you a few hours ago."

"But it's not a big deal, at all. Really it's not." He said chuckling. I feel really guilty but he is asking. Wouldn't it be rude to just say no?

"Okay, if you say so." I said playing with my fingers.

"Okay, but we should take it to go right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I was just about to say that." I said smiling.

Harry's POV

"Okay then let's go inside." She's so cute and kind of shy. I like her even more becuase she doesn't know who I am. Becuase I know that she isn't using me for my money, but she doesn't have a clue. And I think that's cute. We started walking towards the door and I opened the door for her. And I just noticed how beautiful she is. She looked so flawless with out trying. I actually couldn't believe it.

"Ladies first ." I said smiling.

"Thank you." she said smiling. I walked in right behind her.  Her shorts were so short, couldn't wear shorts longer then that because wow. I smirked to myself. Before realizing that I probably look like the biggest creep. We stood in line.

"You could order first." I said to her with a smile. And in return she started blushing and gave me a small smile.

"Okay, umm I will have a small Caramel Frap with Java chips."

"Anything else?" The cashier asks her.

"Umm yeah I will just have a brownie." She said smiling and stepping aside for me. I toke a step forward to order and the cashier girl's eye's were about to pop out of her head. I'm assuming she is a fan.

Management  •Harry Styles• •Phoebe Tonkin•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt