Final Free for All

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They had to pry Izumi away from Bakugo. The young tribal prince had been left seething and emotional, and though Kirishima attempted to comfort his friend he was shrugged off.

"Leave me alone, Kirishima. I'm not in the mood."

"Come on, don't be like that Bakugo." Kirishima said a bit hurt by the brush off. "I'm just trying to help."

"If you really want to help me then go get my game bag." Bakugo snarled.

"Okay..." He turned but glanced over his shoulder. "can I ask what for?"

"Don't ask just go do it!" He retorted and stomped off towards the infirmary.

"Don't you think you've done enough?" Shoto spoke from behind him. The two were alone in the dark hallway. "Izumi doesn't need you yelling at her while she's trying to recover."

"Mind your own business Icy Hot...and while we're at it stay away from my girl!" Bakugo whirled around. "This is all your damn fault. You and that irritating old man of yours. What the hell was he thinking getting her mixed up in a competition like this?"

"Don't blame me for your lack of tact in battle." Shoto countered standing tall, and intimidatingly regal. "Anyone in the audience could see Izumi was leading you around by the nose, even though you said you wouldn't fall for her mind games."

"Tch, shut up! You don't know anything about what really happened in there." Bakugo grit his teeth and looked down at his feet trying to cool his temper, but failing miserably. "She shouldn't have been made to participate. I don't care how strong she is, Izumi's not the kind of person who should be competing in a tournament like this! These fights, this arena, it's meant for hardened fighters with years of experience, who know the laws of battle. It's no place for a woman with a soft heart, and healer's hands." Bakugo looked down at his own, remembering how badly burned and bloody those beautiful hands were now... thanks to him.

"For once I agree with you." Shoto said simply, his voice calm despite the anger that threatened to boil free.

"What?" That threw Bakugo off. "You agree?"

"I know what goes on in this arena, so yes. I agree that this isn't where she's meant to shine. I was against her competing, I wanted her knighted so she could have access to the castle without qualm, but my father turned it around in me. I tried to talking to Izumi, hoping to change her mind about this arrangement, but...this is what she wants. She's a person who seeks adventure and knowledge, and she thinks becoming a knight will give her that."

"Will it?" Bakugo lowered his head clenching his fists at his side. "Will being a knight give her what she wants?"

"No... it will give her some thrill and access to the castle grounds and libraries but if she seeks to travel the world being a knight is the wrong course...which is why I've made alternate arrangements for her."

"The hell do you mean by that?"

"You'll find out after our fight. Lady Chiyo and Ochaco will heal Izumi enough to battle, but no matter who wins Izumi will get what she desires... and after watching your fight I doubt what she desires includes associating with you."

He turned ignoring Bakugo's surging temper and coolly walked away.


Don't leave me...

Kacchan's pain filled voice echoed in Izumi's head. She stirred trying to pull herself out of the dark to comfort him... but the nightmare yanked her back. She saw the beast known as Nomu towering over the cities and sending them ablaze with his horrific dark power and strength. She could hear the screams of her loved ones, see the death of the warriors she'd trained with side by side, and felt her own blood pooling hot into her hands as her body went cold.

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