Teach Me, Sensei!

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Izumi had decided to take a break from training after cutting her palm during sword practice. She'd applied some balm and wrapped it tight, and hopefully the fast acting healing agent would have her up and ready tomorrow morning Until then she decided to give her body some rest and work on her mind power a bit.

The Castle library was huge and she was in book heaven. She could spend hours just piling through all the source material... but wished she could read the older scripts with the kanji, like in Sir Might's journal.

His spirit had been quiet today, and she wondered why. Normally he'd be lingering with her, giving her advice and asking her about the common world. She'd only seen him once, and that was this morning when he'd woken her up for early practice.

"Hmmm do spirits need rest I wonder... he's been trapped in that journal for centuries I imagine he'd be anxious to get out... but then again I don't know how spectral power works." She tapped her lips looking through the materials she'd collected already. "Either way... he deserves a break as much as I do. Hmmm..." she picked up a book flipping through... "this is the second volume... where's the first?" She set the book down and eyed the shelves again. She pouted when she spotted it on the top shelf. "Oh well that figures."

She stood up on her tiptoes stretching out as much as she could. She whimpered a little her fingers touching the binding... and then were covered by a large warm hand.

"Let me..." Shoto told her, getting in close, his chest brushing on her back as he pulled the book down for her. She turned in, her head looking up and eyes wide with awe.

"Your Highness!"

He winced at the title and hands her the book.

"I'd hoped we'd worked past titles." He took her bandaged hand eying it with a frown. "You're injured?"

"Just a little," she let out quickly her face flushing red and her eyes cast downwards. "M-My uniform was torn too so one of the maids is mending it for me. I apologize for my state of dress." She fidgeted in her simple green frock. "I have nothing else to wear."

"I don't especially mind... but if you're that concerned about it I can have some things brought to you." He tilted his head and pulled some of her loose hair in between his fingers admiring their softness and fragrance. "Mmmm roses?"

"Eh?" She jumped a little clutching the book to her chest. "What?"

"Your scent... you smell like roses." He leaned in close nuzzling into her hair. "Have you been wandering the gardens?"

"N-N-No..." god could her face be any redder? He was so close! "B-B-Bath... Bath oils... I helped Lady Ochaco make bath oils from rose petals." Her back hit the bookcase and she found herself trapped between him and the dusty shelves. "Y-Your highness please-"


"Eh?" She looked up, and instantly felt her heart stop. The intensity of his stare, the serious in his expression, had her losing all her breath. Only Kacchan had ever looked at her like that.

"When we're alone... when my father isn't here to ridicule... I'd very much appreciate it, if you called me Shoto." He touched her cheek. "Is that okay?"

"Sh-Sh..." she inhaled deep "Sho...to..." God she could die! Her head felt so fuzzy, her heart suddenly beating again and pouncing in her chest. "Shoto."

He smiled at her

"Thank You...Izumi." He pulled back from her and walked to the pile of books she'd collected. Izumi felt her legs buckling and she had to let out a long heavy sigh of relief. "This is quite a collection of reading materials. Do you intend to read all of this?"

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