Secrets of the Past

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The Kings knights found them on the side of the road near midnight. Izumi was given a warm blanket to curl in as the group was then transported via carriage back to Tatooin. Ochaco let out a long sigh of relief.

"Thank goodness that's all over!" She slumped.

"Agreed, but I wish there was more we could have done to help. In the end Lady Ochaco and I were merely among for the ride."

"Don't be silly Iida," Izumi waved her hands. "It was thanks to you and Prince Shoto we were able to find the right path. I'm so sorry to have you all go through such an ordeal."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. You helped as well by finding those fruits for us to eat. Not to mention v defeating that predator. We might have lost all sustenance and energy before even arriving."

"Iida is right. Also you should stay with us at the castle tonight Midori. It'll be too dark for you to ride home after we report to the king." Ochaco decided. "You can sleep in my tower I've plenty of room."

"Thank you, Lady Ochaco. I really should be getting home. My mother must be worried sick." Izumi declined bundling into the blanket more. She'd worried for Kacchan and hoped he got home safely.

"No, Lady Ochaco is right, the night is too dangerous for you to wander alone..."Shoto decided. "...and besides I want to reward you properly."

"Reward me?" Izumi blinked in confusion. "I don't understand."

"For defeating that monster. You're a woman with no noble background or training of any kind and yet you put yourself in mortal danger to save another. That kind of act should be rewarded."

"Oh but...I mean I didn't... I just..." frazzled, and yet happy she pressed a hand to get chest. "Thank you."

The carriage halted in front of the castle. Izumi swallowed hard at the thought of facing that intimidating king again. She shrunk to the back of the group trying to keep out of the line of sight. They entered the throne room and Izumi felt her throat tighten at the sight of the king.

The group bowed before him but all King Endeavor did was sneer in disappointment.

"Shoto, I hope this little escapade of yours was worth the trouble you've caused. I'm glad to see these fools were competent enough to keep you alive." He glared at Iida and Ochaco who shrunk in reaction.

"They're more than competent and its because of them and the woman behind me I managed to come back safely."

"Woman..." he glanced over at Izumi and her breath hitched as his voice growled out. "You..."

"Please! Please don't flatter me any further tour was all my fault. It's because of me your son was put in mortal danger, its because of me he was tangled in a misunderstanding. I beg your forgiveness!"

"Miss Midoriya..." Iida whispered harshly.

"You'll have to forgive her father." Shoto spoke sternly and waved a hand out to keep Izumi from talking further. "She's a timid soul and not used to praise. I assure you the fault is mine for stepping in when I shouldnt."

"I don't care whose fault it is. You're forbidden from leaving the castle grounds without proper supervision. You're the heir to the throne and you cannot continue acting like a rebellious child."

Shoto grit his teeth but decided to play it by ear.

"Very well... I will do as you ask...but I will need compensation for my lack of freedom."

"You don't have a choice in the matter...but if it will make you more cooperative what is this compensation."

"I ask that you knight Miss Midoriya for protecting myself and the group against mortal danger and give her residence here at the castle."

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