The Unexpected End

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"Queen Kayama and Lord Tokoyami informed me of the situation... but forgive me if I find it a little hard to believe that you are to be the savior of our world." The King spoke with obvious distaste and a hint of malice.

"Believe what you want to, Your Highness." Izumi knelt in front of him in the throne room, her eyes serious, and her body calm and collected. Though his presence was still intimidating, Izumi had conviction which allowed her to hold her ground. "I know it's a hard truth to believe, and one I'm still trying to fully grasp myself. However, one truth is known and that's the danger that looms over our world. I can't just ignore it and hope it's nothing but a bad dream, especially if there's something I can do against it."

"I must admit..." Endeavor stood walking to her, his arms crossed and his robes billowing. "You exceeded my expectations at the tournament. I didn't expect you to get past the first round, and yet you not only bypassed both qualifying rounds, but went on to win against my son. It's that hard truth, my dear, which has me accepting this story the lord of the Shadowlands told me."

"I went into that fight expecting to lose as well. I expected to fight with everything I had, and be overwhelmed by Prince Shoto's raw power."

"Instead it was him who was overwhelmed." He grunted and uncrossed his arms. "Stand up, and listen well. The reason I had you enter the tournament was so you could prove your strength to me... since you've done so I was prepared to not only give you land and title, but a chance to wed my son as that is his wish."

"I'm flattered b-"

"Silence!" He sneered a her and she jerked in surprise. "Of course it's flattering, don't insult me or him by stating the obvious girl. I'm revoking you of this honor as I'm not about to let my son wed a woman who's on a suicide path. You will reject any propositions he gives you, and I will present him with a far more suitable bride. If you meet this criteria you can keep your title and land, and the privileges that-"

"No... you keep it." Izumi lifted her head her eyes sharp and green as they met his. Endeavor's gaze narrowed. "First off, I never asked to be a lady, or to gain wealth. I asked only to prove my worth at the hope I could be knighted. I've dreamed of being a hero, of having adventures and exploring the world, but that's changed! I've found a far more important cause to use my power for, and I don't need money, or title to venture out into the world. I just need the courage to face the challenge."

Her chin jerked up as she made her second point clear.

"Secondly you need to stop telling Shoto how to live his life. He's to be King one day and he doesn't need you holding him on a leash to be a good one...a strong one! Shoto can make his own choices, and lead the people with a kind and generous heart. Of that I'm certain!"

"You dare speak that way to me? Know your place, peasant!" He grit his teeth and raised a hand striking her across the face. She stumbled back some but didn't cower. Instead she raised her head again meeting his fury. Her aura glowed and vibrated around her with such raw power that even the mighty Endeavor felt himself wanting to cower back.

"I know my place, Your Highness. It's time you knew yours. Your reign will end soon, and Shoto's will begin. If you're smart... you'll accept that with humility and pride rather than an iron fist!" She whirled away from him.

"Don't you walk away from me! I'll have you-"

"Have me what!?" Izumi stopped and looked over her shoulder at him. "You cannot kill or imprison me without risk of all out war with the Shadowland because they explicitly told you not to inhibit me. You've already taken away my title, and lands and I have nothing else you can use against me."

"Tch, think again. Go ahead and leave, you infuriating woman! I banish you from these lands! Do not step foot into Tatooin again for the rest of your days."

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