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Izumi rubbed the balm she’d made onto her patient’s arms and legs. She wasn’t the designated healer, but Lady Ochaco and her superior Lady Chiyo had their hands full with those that were injured during the first two rounds. So she helped where she could.

Sero sighed as the smooth cream cooled the burns and eased the redness from the damage inflicted in his match against Prince Shoto.

“Thanks Izumi, that feels a lot better.”

“My pleasure, Sero. Next time you try to face against a prince with elemental magic, remember to wear more fire resistant material. I would suggest leather hide instead of a breast plate and skin.” She tapped his torched garments and had him grimacing.

“I’ll take that to heart… but now that I’m not competing I’ll be sure to root for you, and of course Bakugo as he’ll kill me if I don’t.”  He chuckled rubbing the back of his head.

“I appreciate the support, as I’m sure I’ll need it.” She stood up using a rag to wipe her hands clean. “I’m gonna see if there are any more patients that need my tending. As much as I’d like to watch the other fights I’m pretty sure I already know who I’m going up against if I win against Kaibara. Watching Kacchan fight makes me…” she drifted off.

“Nervous?” Sero asked and watched her face go pale even as she laughed.

“No… petrified.” She admitted with a smile. “Still, I’m the one that challenged him. I gotta face it head on… even if it hurts.”

“Understandable, but hey-” Sero gave her a thumbs up. “You’ve got Kirishima and I rooting for you. We think it’s about time somebody knocked Prince Pain-in-the-Ass, off his pedestal.”

“Excuse me?” Shoto spoke from the doorway and had Izumi jolting and waving her hands around defensively.

“Oh, not you, your highness. We’re referring to Kacchan. He’s a chief’s son, which technically makes him a prince.” She laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head.

“Ah…” Somehow that statement still left him irritated. “Hard to disagree with you there. How are you injuries, Sero? I’m sorry if I went a little overboard.” He apologized, more out of manners than genuine concern.

“Don’t sweat it… at least you didn’t freeze me like you did that Honenuki guy. He’s gonna have the chills for a month.” Sero teased and waved. “Thanks for the first aid, Izumi.”

“Anytime Sero!” She called back to him and turned her back to Shoto to put away her balm and supplies.

“A friend of yours?” Shoto asked glancing back at Sero who disappeared in the hallway.  

“Yes, he’s from Kacchan’s clan.” She spoke as her hands diligently dug through her bag and sorted the items inside. She didn’t notice Shoto’s face go dark, and irritated.

Kacchan again?

“Do you know every Dagohban?” He asked, almost irritably.

“No, but I know most of the members of his tribe. They all seem to like me despite my being an outsider.” She explained and once she’d finished turned around to face him. Her breath hitched out in surprise when she found herself toe to toe with him. When had he gotten that close? “Is-is something wrong?”   

“I…” Shoto drifted off staring down at her with a look in his eyes that made her heart do somersaults. “I'm not sure. Do you think you have something in that kit out yours that will stop the pain?”

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