Beauty and the Beast

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"Are you sure you wanna do this out here?" Sir Might asked Izumi as she set up a target against a tree. She cut the rope she'd used with her boot knife and he had to give her props for being very efficient with her hands. He also had to give her props for her use of tact. She always seemed to come prepared for just about anything.

"If I practice with the rest of them I'm liable to hurt somebody and/or get humiliated." She shouldered the quiver and adjusted her stance as Shoto taught her. "Besides this way you and I can talk without me looking crazy."

"Alright but don't blame me if you accidentally hit a squirrel or something." He stood back nodding in approval at her stance.

"Pfft I'm never that lucky." She complained and took a deep breath. She loosed the arrow and pouted when it whooshed through the trees to the left of the target.

"On the bright note you've got a strong pull grip. If only you can get the aim down." He sighed some as she notched another. He had to give it to her, the girl didn't give up easily. The way her eyes studiously narrowed on the target. He eyed her hand, seeing it tremble. "What are you afraid of?"

"Huh?" Izumi loosed it and winced when the sound of frightened birds scattered around. "Scared?"

"You're trembling when you hold the bow. Why are you frightened of it?"

Izumi looked down, and lifted up the bow to admire it.

"I'm not entirely sure... I think it's because... even though I know I'm only practicing... this is a tool meant for killing. It can easily take a life, and that thought frightens me some."

"It's not the bow that takes life, Young Midoriya." He stepped to her, his warmth glowing over her. "It is the person holding it. Yes it can kill... but unless you have the intent, it's just harmless wood."

Somehow that didn't make her feel any better... but... he did make a valid point. She looked to the target again her eyes focusing again. Unless she had intent, unless she had a focused goal... then why hold the bow at all.

She pulled another arrow from the quiver, and notched it. Taking a deep breath she raised her arms into position... thought of her goal... thought of the Yueii Games. She didn't just want to compete... she wanted to perform well... and by god she wanted to win!

With that goal in mind, she loosed the arrow... and hit dead center. The immense pleasure of that brought a smile bright as the sun to her face. "I did it!"

"Not bad if you're aiming at a tree... wouldn't work on a moving target." Bakugo commented from behind her. She whirled around gasping


"You've been gone for almost a week. Now that you've finally come out of hiding, it's time we talked about what happened the other day." He stepped to her his eyes looking somewhat dangerous and Izumi had the innate instinct to back away...but it only put her back up.

"I wasn't hiding I was training..." She pointed at him. "...but you're right we do need to talk. I owe you an apology."

"Ohhhh?" He paused his forward movement and crossed his arms. Of all the things to come out of her mouth that was the last one he expected.

"Yes... you were right to scold me for jumping into danger like that. I'm not skilled or strong like you are. I didn't know I had magic inside me and I very well could have died. Just because I didn't doesn't excuse that I was reckless and I didn't consider your feelings. I'm sorry, Kacchan."

"So you finally realized it.. You're starting to learn." He reached out stroking her hair. "Bout damn time... and here I was about to put you in your place."

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