Soul of a Hero

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Ochaco plopped down onto the ground and let out a long aggravated sigh. 

"No more, I can't walk anymore!"

The group halted in the tunnel, the light of Shoto's fire the only light available to them. He sighed softly and turned to Bakugo who'd been leading the way.

"We've been walking for awhile. Why don't we all take a small breather?"

"You're a bunch of wimps. I've talked ten times this amount in a single day without losing Stamina." Bakugo sneered and jerked a thumb at himself.

"Perhaps, but have you considered Midoriya's condition?"

"Condition?" He looked to Izumi who was still glued to her book trying to read the contents in the dim light. She wanted to make it goes like before but couldn't figure out how. "What are you pregnant? What asshole raped you?"

"Eh?" She looked up blinking in confusion. Shoto smacked a hand to his forehead. "What was that?"

"Grrr I said who's the rapist I gotta kill for knocking up my woman?!" He barked at her and Izumi grunted and closed the book.

"For starters I'm not your woman and secondly I'm not pregnant! I'm still a virgin."

"Idiot," Shoto muttered. "I was referring to her state of dress. She's only wearing a slip and her bare feet."

"Tch," Bakugo huffed and grabbed Izumi by the waist, hauling her up over his shoulder. Izumi squeaked and squirmed in protest but he ignored her. "There, problem solved. Now let's keep moving. I want to get out of here before dark and the predators come out." He continued walking.

"Well he does have a point," Iida commented and extended his hand out to Ochaco. "Come, Lady Ochaco. I shall carry you."

Though she blushed, Ochaco giggled and took his hand allowing him to carry her princess style.

"Why Sir Tenya, you're such a chivalrous knight."

"Of course, as my Father and brother before me I shall uphold the Chivalrous Iida family name." He lifted his head high and waited until Shoto started walking again before taking up the rear. It took them hours before the tunnel opened up to a wide open cavern with tall columns of stone, and stalactites peppering the ceiling in teeth like shapes. There was a cool wind blowing in from the open mouth and dusk was setting upon the land outside.

"Looks like there's no way for us to get home by nightfall." Shoto commented putting the flames out and wiping sweat from his brow. Letting his magic out for that length of time was straining. "My father's probably sent the cavalry out by now."

"I'm sorry about the inconvenience Prince Shoto. I didn't mean to get you dragged into this." Izumi apologized, her body sore from riding over Bakugo's shoulder.

"Don't apologize to him. I don't care if he is a prince, It's his own damn fault for trying to interfere." Bakugo sneered.

"He thought you were kidnapping me, and frankly he wasn't that far off, Kacchan." Izumi sighed.

"It wouldn't be if you'd just agreed to marry me in the first place."

"For crying out loud..." At her wits end Izumi shoved at Bakugo's head trying to make him put her down. "How many times do I have to tell you, no is no. I'm not your woman, I'm not your mate, and I'm not marrying you, Kacchan!"

"Keep talking and I'll drop you."

"Oh good, please do. It's better than being treated like a sack of potatoes. If this is how you treat your woman, I want absolutely no part of it. Kya!" She falls and lands on her butt. She winces and glares up at him. "Ow! That hurt!"

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