Snatch and Rescue

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Author's Note: I wanted to let you all know that while I did write this fic based on the ending credit scenes, i'm not completely going to follow its guideline as far as storyline and character roles. I wanted to expand the premise a bit, and change a few things up so I'd have more to work with. Like I mentioned Shinso from before, I will be including characters from other classes and villains and such. Enjoy!

Prince Shoto rode his horse into the forest, his temple throbbing at the company he was forced to keep.

"Why did you have to come with me?" He asked irritably and glared over his shoulder at the sturdy knight and oblivious happy mage.

"Forgive us, your highness, but it can't be helped." Iida said with strict sympathy. "Your father won't allow you to venture out on your own. This was the best was for you to be accompanied without an armada at your side."

"Interfering old man..." Todoroki clenched the reins of his horse.

"Don't sweat it, Prince Shoto..." Ochaco giggled. "Iida and I can make ourselves scarce for a time so you can court the lady."

Shoto made a sound of embarrassment and blushed bright red.

"I'm not going to court her, I'm merely interested in her and want to get to know her better." He sat up straight, confident in his fidelity.

"Isn't that technically courting?" Ochaco leaned over in her saddle and whispered to Iida.

"No!" Despite the whisper Shoto had heard her, "It's entirely different... it's-" He drifted off and galloped ahead some. His eyes brightened as the trees parted and he was welcomed into the sight of the gorgeous farm plains. Beautiful wooden cottages decorated along the winding river. Acres of flowers, thick green grass and tilled land filled his vision and made his eyes sparkle in admiration.

"Whoa... how beautiful! I thought the gardens at the palace were impressive but those wild arrangements are gorgeous!" Ochaco gushed getting a bit sparkly eyed herself.

"Nature is certainly a wonderful thing..." Iida agreed and wiped a stray tear. He very much appreciate raw beauty. "It's a dream."

"Are you crying?" Ochaco blinked in surprise.

"No, allergies...ACHOO!" Iida admitted and sneezed loudly. All the workers that had been tending the fields nearby lifted their heads and waved their caps and bowed in acknowledgement.

"Your Highness! Welcome!" Several men ran over bowing their heads and grinnin in excitement. Shoto stopped his horse and offered them a polite smile.

"Good Morning... I've business with Lady Midoriya, can you point me in her direction?"

"Which one?" The farmer fanned himself with a hat and laughed a bit. "If you're looking for Inko she's in the mill straight down the road... as for her daughter Izumi, she's probably wandering down the river somewhere on one of her expeditions.

Izumi found walking along the river peaceful and informative. Her mother's workers cast lines out to fish, but Izumi wondered if it wouldn't be more productive to casted out baskets instead The weaving was wide enough to let the smaller fish through, and strong enough to hold the adult fish inside. It would also mean catching larger quantities in fish in half the time. She'd have to test try it herself and pass on the verdict.

For now, she needed the ingredients to finish a balm. Some of the workers were getting badly sunburned and it made for poor morale, but who could blame them? One of the ingredients was a special weed that could only be harvest from the water. So she stripped down to her white slip and knickers, and waded into the pool. It took her bit of searching, but she eventually found what she was looking for and proceeded with the harvest.

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